I don't see Fargoth that way actually, I always picture him a bit differently but haven't found the exact look I picture yet but the face as a face is great!
such talent! But do more clothes, too!
Hi Maria - haven't seen you around for a while :wave: I did smile re the clothes and have in mind doing just a few more outfits this year but later on. Completely understand about the face not being what you imagined - that's why i was thinking of doing a pluginless replacer as then it's so much easier to swap in heads and hairs that you like. My Vardenfell Visage ended up being very different from what I first downloaded.
Today I decided to have a go at orcs - had found what looked like a really interesting source pic but alas wasn't very impressed with the results - it just looks like a green man with bad teeth - shame - here's what i mean http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/5952/testorc.png :thumbsdown:
I've used the Better heads Orcs for so long i just wanted to try something different - I might go back to the vanilla head mesh and see if i can do anything with that - they were quite good heads - just blurry.
I did get to play around with hair for a while as well and had a go at readjusting a mesh to make a http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/8118/testchinesebraid.png - hmmm not sure about that but modding is all about trying new things
So nothing really new to post to the list - am going to redo some faces and I have 2 male Bosmer complete that just need some screenshots taken off - will wander off and rethink the Orc as I have 4 in my main quest mod i want to do anyways