looks nice, so this means a release anytime soon then ?

Thanks jaxawier - probably before TESV is released anyway

I have to tell you, I LOVE the Nord faces so far. :D I'll be first in line to download those... even if I might have to dropkick other people first. >:} But really, they're all really good (and more than once I wondered if you used Natalie Portman as a base for I think two of the female faces).

Thanks Silver Dreamer - sorry Natalie hasn't made an appearance - I think she has been done before a few times.
OMG! He looks http://i26.tinypic.com/vgoghi.jpg!
It's like what happened with that face that looked like vtastek, crazy deja-vu. :wacko:
Um... okay though the face was based on Ryan Reynolds so perhaps you look like Ryan - the hair was a good match you didn't do any modelling work for Ren did you?
Woah! It's you SWG! I smell a giant conspiracy here. :ninja:
Who is Illuminiel? A sorcere(ss)r watching us from his/her glass orb and creating a dollhouse in the realms of Vvardenfell?!
LOL - a digital dollhouse maybe but no I'm not a member of the Psijic Order - you just happen to look like high res photos.
I wanted to make some more progress on the Nords so managed a few more.
I'm not sure about #3 so will either replace her or try again - I resized the male mesh and am happy enough with it - it's still a different shape from the usual Nord mesh but consistent with the rest of my work
My goal is to do enough heads for a Vvardefell Visage style mod - which will be a pluginless replacer. In which case I'll need to revisit my Dunmer and add some scars and tattoos. Still lots of work to go but I feel like I'm over halfway there now which is cool.