Fresh MW Install -script warnings with Great House Dagoth

Post » Tue Sep 13, 2011 10:56 pm

I just finished reinstalling Morrowind and now i have several issues:

I get script errors when loading / starting a game. The game works fine (for now) but I fear for the moment the scripts are needed.

Unable to find referenced object "dreamer_ranged" in script CalmCorprus.Unable to find referenced object "dead elite ord" in script GM_temple.Unable to find referenced object "dead elite ord" in script PP_temple_script.

The first one is from Great House Dagoth, but I need help in solving it. So far i couldn't figure out the others
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Post » Tue Sep 13, 2011 10:39 pm

Can you post your mod list? Ideally load order from Wrye Mash or open your morrowind.ini and at the end of the file is the list of mods.
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Natasha Biss
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Post » Tue Sep 13, 2011 6:44 pm

Can you post your mod list? Ideally load order from Wrye Mash or open your morrowind.ini and at the end of the file is the list of mods.

aw dammit, i already had it prepared, but i forgot to include it ;)

Mlox doesn't report any conflicts

_001_ Morrowind.esm_002_ Tribunal.esm_003_ Bloodmoon.esm_004_ Clean The Lost Artifacts of Morrowind.esm_005_ abotWaterLife.esm_006_ Texture Fix 2.0.esm_007_ TR_Data.esm_008_ TR_Map1.esm_009_ TR_Map2.esm_010_ Rise of House Telvanni.esm_011_ Poorly Placed Object Fix  1.2.esm_012_ Morrowind Patch v1.6.5-BETA.esm_013_ Bloodmoon Landscape Overhaul 1.0.esm_014_ Morrowind Advanced.esm_015_ Better Heads.esm_016_ Better Heads Tribunal addon.esm_017_ Better Heads Bloodmoon addon.esm_018_ MCA.esm_019_ k_weather.esp_020_ Westly_Presents_Unique_Winged_Twilights.esp_021_ BR_Werewolf_Patch.esp_022_ More Better Clothes.ESP_023_ Psy_VivecGodReplacer_Tribunal.esp_024_ Vivec_Voice_addon TRIBUNAL.esp_025_ Divine_domina_part_1.esp_026_ Divine_domina_part_2.esp_027_ Divine_domina_part_3_Tribunal.esp_028_ Fair Magicka Regen (half percent).esp_029_ Healers.esp_030_ TribIntegration.esp_031_ SirLuthor-Lockpicks.esp_032_ Better Bodies.esp_033_ SirLuthor-Tools.esp_034_ OfficialMods_v5.esp_035_ Divine_domina_part_4.esp_036_ AtmosphericSoundEffects-3.0-Tribunal.esp_037_ MW_A01.esp_038_ Divine_domina_part_5.esp_039_ A_flock_of_seagulls.esp_040_ Key Replacer Trib & BM.esp_041_ Dagger of Symmachus.esp_042_ Uvirith's Legacy_Final_2.0.esp_043_ Creatures.esp_044_ BetterBooks_AlchFormfix.esp_045_ Clean Just Face It v2.0.esp_046_ UL_AshArmor_DivineDomina.esp_047_ Blasphemous Revenants.esp_048_ DXM_masterindex_journalfix.esp_049_ Book Jackets - Tribunal.esp_050_ Book Jackets - Bloodmoon.esp_051_ Give your orders v13.esp_052_ Book Jackets - Morrowind.esp_053_ Uvirith's Legacy Book Jackets Add-on.esp_054_ RoHT NoM v3 Addon.esp_055_ UL v2.0 RoHT v1.52 Compatibility.esp_056_ Third Person Crosshair.esp_057_ abotWaterLifeTRaddon.esp_058_ Ownership Indicator.esp_059_ UL_MWSE_patch.esp_060_ UL_TLM_ambiance.esp_061_ IceNioLivRobeReplacerPLUS.esp_062_ TheForgottenShields - Artifacts_NG.esp_063_ OR_Fang.esp_064_ OR_ForkH.esp_065_ NoM_Creatures Loot Standard.esp_066_ TLM - Ambient Light + Fog Update.esp_067_ TLM - Light Sources (Clearer Lighting).esp_068_ MW_Adv_Required.esp_069_ DB_Attack_Mod.esp_070_ Slof's Pillow Book.esp_071_ Nymeria's Monthly Respawn.esp_072_ Nymeria's Faster Walk.esp_073_ Great House Dagoth.esp_074_ Better Clothes_v1.1_nac.esp_075_ Erengard Mines.esp_076_ BB_Clothiers_of_Vvardenfell_v1.1.esp_077_ Clean Restored Artifacts.esp_078_ The Neverhalls.esp_079_ Art Of War Museum.esp_080_ Texture Fix -TR -1.0.esp_081_ Tireless running.esp_082_ Westly's Master Headpack X.esp_083_ LA_MWSE Addon.esp_084_ Fast Eddie Fix v .0001.esp_085_ Keyring.esp_086_ Building Up Uvirith's Legacy1.1.ESP_087_ Illy's Solsteim Rumour Fix.esp_088_ mel_teleportPlugin_1_3.esp_089_ Vality's Bitter Coast Addon.esp_090_ Vality's Balmora Addon.esp_091_ TLM - Light Sources (Natural Water).esp_092_ TLM - Light Sources (Lanterns).esp_093_ BetterClothesForTB.esp_094_ TLM - External Lights Ownership.esp_095_ dh_furn.esp_096_ correctUV Ore Replacer 1.0.esp_097_ dh_furn_stores.esp_098_ dh_homes.esp_099_ dh_thriftshop.esp_100_ LeveledMagicka.esp_101_ New Argonian Bodies - Clean.esp_102_ New Khajiit Bodies - Clean.esp_103_ Graphic Herbalism.esp_104_ Graphic Herbalism Extra.esp_105_ dracandrosvoice.esp_106_ TLM - NPC Light Sources.esp_107_ Westly_Presents_BB_Almalexia_Add_on.esp_108_ Creatures Great House Dagoth Patch.esp_109_ Vurt's Grazelands Unique Trees.ESP_110_ Vality's AI for Vurt's AI.esp_111_ Wayfarer's Rest v1.21.esp_112_ Vvardenfell Druglord.esp_113_ UFR_v3dot2_noRobe.esp_114_ k_in_tent.esp_115_ Psy_UniqueDremora_T.esp_116_ Westly Presents_Aureals.esp_117_ Clean EB_FemaleVampireOutfit.esp_118_ Great House Dagoth ( Master Index Compatibility ).esp_119_ OTV_MCA_Compatibility.esp_120_ OT_Vivec Beta 0.6b.esp_121_ Antares' Big Mod 5.3.esp_122_ WA_Signy_Signposts(!).ESP_123_ Atmospheric Balmora for VBA.ESP_124_ WA_Signy_Signposts(!)_TR.ESP_125_ Better Skulls.ESP_126_ Particle Arrow Replacer.esp_127_ MCA - Guards Patch.ESP_128_ MCA - Divine Domina Addon.ESP_129_ MCA - TR Addon.ESP_130_ AEA-Compatibility.esp_131_ abotWhereAreAllBirdsGoing.esp_132_ zzz.esp_133_ Vurt's Solstheim Trees & Bushes Replacer.ESP_134_ Psy_IronMeshImprove_Uniques_BMI.esp_135_ NOM 3.0.esp_136_ Mashed Lists.esp

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