Friendly thread on who makes you rage

Post » Sat Feb 04, 2012 12:14 pm


So I was thinking of some new topic that wouldn't be over the top fck you and came up with this. Post up the ppl you play against (past or present) a lot that make you want to smash your rig and shoot your neighbors dog. Don't call cheats or any BS like that as that's just gonna get out of hand. Keep it friendly. My list:

1. KLEEKAI - Cool guy, learned a lot from him and he pisses me off on the regular!
2. Thrill3r - Don't know him but I'm about 50/50 and from time to time he rubs it in my face which makes me rage lol.
3. War_Spirit - Medium range reflex sniping catches me off guard and causes instant rage.
4. CrazyFist - Same reflex sniping which causes instant rage.

There's more but I'm just throwing out what I can remember as of late.......
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Lory Da Costa
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