Hello everyone,
I play this grand game now 1500 hours, maybe a few more. I am now in my fourth character and I get some thoughts in my head. Some thoughts about this Game.
For I know that it is not so superficial as everyone might think. Quite the contrary.
The main story ... the many little stories on the side .. the tasks that you get ... the decisions that you can make free ... the dialogs.. the happenings at the edge..
Yeah, look at the edge ! And read between the lines !!!
Then you will see, that the game goes deeper and deeper, on the ground of your soul. And there lies the truth about each of us.
Or as we say here in Germany : " Zeig mir wie Du spielst, und ich sag Dir wer Du bist " In translation : "Show me how you play, and I will tell you who you are"
Or with other words, the game knows more about the player, than the player about the game !
So can only hope that the game is your friend. And everything it knows, keeps in secret with you.
And no backdoor Codes and Programs send it out to the World. Where there are people who would pay in cash for it !
But dont worry about it, as I said : My friends call me "Schizo" ! ...and thats your last hope !