I like any game that has a well developed and logical story told through gameplay. I got hooked on gaming when I played on my friend's Atari back in kindergarten. I chose to rent most games and rarely bought any.
II saved up for an NES and bought 2 games with it (probably 2 of the best NES games ever) The Legend of Zelda and Ninja Gaiden. Ninja Gaiden was so hard that I never beat it, but I loved every second of it (It also had super awesome cut scenes for 1987

The next console I bought was an SNES with Zelda: A Link to the Past and the crack that was FFVI.
I got a N64 to play Mario3D and Goldeneye, and a Playstation for Tomb Raider and FFVII.
Then I graduated to the big boy's toy.... a PC. I have played and loved games from every genre, but RPG's seem to be what I play the most (Recently broke my WoW addiction though). The TFC mod for Half-life was incredible and I spent a year only playing that due to deceptively simple class system....then CS *yawn* came out and everyone stopped playing on the public servers. FPS games are too easy IMO and the multiplayer modes for them have never felt anywhere near as exciting as a good match of TFC. I have not tried TFC2 because I am on a satellite connection now....so I have no idea if it is as good as the original. I played Fallout 1 through once and thought it was pretty boring, but Fallout 2 blew my mind with its open-ended story and the fact that every time I played it I saw some new lines of dialogue.
FO3 was alright, but since it is a FPS hybrid it was super easy....(who needs VATS when you can headshot an NPC from outside the VATS target range). The bobbleheads and stuff made it a complete joke, because 1/2 way through the content I would be maxed in all of the secondary skills and my primary weapon skill. I loved the NPCs and all of the details left in nooks and crannies of the wasteland. Vault 106(?) just north of Megaton freaked me out the first time through (it was the first place outside Megaton that I found) and all of the vaults were enjoyably creepy. Hopefully FO3 will add some challenge, but as long as the story and details are top-notch I will enjoy it immensely!