its in the archives, i keep forgetting that not everyone has permissions.
here it is. this PM was sent to Stalker, one of our former core members, in january 2005. you will notice some of the old censorship system (spotted owl, noble seamstress).
you did not need to have them close the thread, I had no intentions of flamming. Well, at least not untill you pulled that stunt.
I heard your harsh comment before on the original morrowland thread, and I quickly realized what you really think of my work.
what did you say? " just looks like a medium sized mod"
With comments like this YOU are discouraging people from trying my mod.
Whatever problems you have with me YOU NEED TO DROP DUDE! I have no respect for someone who shows me non.
Sure, you are probably thinking--- He is trying to get us to cancel so he can have the biggest morrowind mod ect...
NO! I am thinking of how much PAIN, and wasted LIFE I put into morrowind modding. If I could go back in time I would never even start morrowland! It was a waste of my time. Yes, it turned out cool, but nothing like I wanted because the engine could not do what I wanted.
The TR project is wonderfull, but you guys have so much left to do, and morrowind is dieing out! Forget all the BIASED fan boy spotted owl kissing comments, the truth is, who will still be playing morrowind come oblivion? I highly doubt the morrowind province will be fully complete by then, and other people who work on TR agree.
So who would care? The few dozen fans that kiss your spotted owl here? Big deal!
You guys are simply put- wasting good effort, on a [censored] out bad engine. I don't say this because it is old, I say this because it is junk! The small draw distance does not allow for epic sceenery even.
With rag doll, and other physics (even blood and gore) in oblivion, I personally will never play morrowind or even morrowland again once that game comes out. Why? Because it is that much better. By then, people will have the needed power to play it. (who knows- geforce 8800 ZX??)
Look, you obviously don't like me, and I can't blame you. I came here saying some dumb stuff, but I am not the same person anymore, and my intentions here are just. I want what is best for the TR team, not me. You guys are more then free to do this! GO AHEAD! DO IT!!! It is your life, it is your time. But when hardly anyone cares when you might actually finish, don't say you weren't warned.
And my mod is over 2500 (completed) cells. This is far larger then morrowind, and while is may be smaller then TR, I am more then willing to bet at the moment, you guys do not even have 2500 (COMPLETED) cells yet, so please don't put my mod down like this. I worked too hard, for too long for some jealous noble seamstress like you to say my mod is small!
Do you suffer from MOD ENVY or what dude?
I single handedly built 2500+ cells. Sure, some are not perfect, but overall I am unmatched. So untill you grow some balls for modding, I won't respect you for your SMALL acomplishments, when you think my work is (meh)
If you even had just 5 people like me on TR, you would get 10k quality cells in 1 year. So the fact that it has taken SO many, and so long to achieve what is currently done, is pretty sad compared to what I achieved in 1 year.
I had a full time job, yet I still achieved this. So I respect the project, I respect the dream, but I sure as HELL have no respect for a modding wuss who bashes me.
fudge off dude.
But I'll make you a deal.
Stay out of my buisiness, and I'll stay out of TR's buisiness. I don't need to say more, you guys can waste your time if you want to. I will continue to move on to BIGGER things, while you guys struggle to make due with muffins.
have a nice day.