I Remember, but I am just a simple trader as I always was - still then, before pre-dawn twilight before your stars fell, and Dreugh - the first came Dreugh - with their red-faced leader stole our forms to rule Nirn's seas. Nrnnirrnn - so we called it, and it is a true name of this world.
I am just a simple trader as I always was - sold everything that was necessary for each of our kind: salt what to get rid from Sload - already then they were appeared in our seas, but were then no more than pieces of slime before they didn't steal sweet meat of Dreugh, and it became to them a habit which over time brought so many troubles to Dreugh, fresh water and a dust to ornament of our dwellings, gold and chitin to ornament ourselves. Since then passed thousands of thousands years, but I Remember everything as yesterday for our ancestors whom you call gods granted immortality to those who Remembers. Since then passed thousands of thousands years, and I began to trade already with you, and to buy your books, and I read them, and you don't know yourselves what is written into them. I know because I Remember. I can tell you how it everything was, but nevertheless you can't write down everything right.
Prior to the beginning of times - our times, and it is prior to the beginning of your times - prior to the beginning of our times there wasn't anything in the world except the Sea. And there was nothing in the Sea - there was no even a water, neither a bottom, nor coast. Only the huge crab floated in it - endless and expressive. He swam in this Sea for uncountable number of years, but there wasn't even something to watch to - after all, except him there was nothing in this Sea, and it was endless, so no matter how long would he look at himself, he didn't see anything completed.
Then he put forward the eyes on small stalks - like this - and turned them at each other - like this - and looked, looked into his own eyes while, at last, didn't become torn in half. His left half left a crab, in everything similar to him, but smaller, and he was called Lkrkrkkrn. His right half left a crab, in everything similar to him, but smaller, and he was called Aktkrttrsh. They still looked at each other eternity or two and so there were all new and new crabs, and they filled and filled the Sea. And so proceeded while Lkrkrkkrn didn't decide that if so will go further, all the Sea will turn into a pit swarmed with crabs, and it is wrong. And then he thought up, and took the remains of a carapace of a primary crab - that that became torn in half, and created from it Earth. And then everything was established at once - there was a Sea, and an Earth, and a Coasts, on which crabs were settled.
But Aktkrttrsh remained unsatisfied - he liked to swim in the Sea without any coast. And he instigated strongest of crabs who too were unsatisfied against Lkrkrkkrn and they snatched on him and ripped him apart. They pulled out heart and trampled it to Earth. They tore off claws, and left to hang them over Earth for admonition of crabs who were settled on it. They left his broken-off carapace to float into the Sea. His head was stolen by hermit crabs living on a seabottom who didn't need Earth and consequently didn't consider themselves obliged Lkrkrkkrn, but the bottom appeared when Earth was created, and they forgot about it. At last, each of crabs took itself on Lkrkrkkrn's one limb, but here they got in a trap - these limbs strongly seized them, and didn't allow them to departure from Earth. Aktkrttrsh decided that it is necessary to destroy Earth, but, chained to it, he began to be afraid that together with it will destroy also himself.
So that is how all it actually was, but what you wrote down makes no more sense than what is written in your books. So all it was, and long times we, crabs, governed this world, lived in it, filled it. Crab Wars rattled over the world. We created originally splendid Empires - and what, you think that crab can't rule the glorious state? As than us became more increasing, we became ever less, but our emperors represented originally impressing look. You had seen one of the last - you constructed the city round it, to the North from here. He is dead, but there is a prophecy that it disdains the death and return when the world will be threatened by great danger. He one of the last, but all the same impressive - and his father was twice more and his grandfather was fourthly.
So that is how all it was, but then your stars fell down, and Dreugh stole our forms, and together with them our rule over the world. So our decline began, and with a current of thousands years I only one remained who Remembers, and the others - you see, they dive into the mud.
I have to stop speak now, for I already spoke really much, and it is hard with my mouth. Don't you want to buy from me a small bottle of brandy, and to divide it with me ti wet the whistle? And you paper and inks are almost ended, and I can sell to you both this and that...