I've got a couple of questions, if I may:
1. It doesn't say this in the readme - does the weather affect the distance the guards can detect crimes?
Yes, but not very much. I still need to update that bit too...
2. Do you happen to know if RGO would be compatible with Duke Patrick's Fresh Kills Now Alert NPCs? If you have a similar system implemented then it would be pretty clear that they won't play well together.
It should work just fine together.
3. Why is there a "jailbreakdays" variable in the ini if the guards kill you when you escape the prison?
Old functionality, mostly. Just haven't gotten rid of it yet.
4. Could you add an option to disable the bribe thingie for the guards or, if it's at all possible, make it compatible with Map Marker Overhaul? Both mods change the dialogue options so one overrides the other.
I'd have to look into this. Not sure. Why might Map Marker Overhaul change the Guard's Bribe option? Or is the dialog just conflicting? (I
hate dialog in Oblivion...)
5. Would it fight with Combat Behavior Modification?
It shouldn't, but who knows.

That's all for now. Thank you for all the work you've put into this, I know it must be a staggering amount.
Eh, just 4+ years of my life. Not that much.