The problem is this has never ever worked for me, and by work I mean I expect at least 3 basic advertised functions:
1- IF I kill someone in the middle of the nowhere, and no one sees me, then I expect no to get a bounty.
2- If I commit a crime and there are witnesses, if I kill all of them my bounty should go as well.
3- If I attack and kill a single guard, I shouldn't get a bounty. Because medieval guards don't have a walkie talkie with which to call "central" for backup; - "central I've got a 211, and possibly 5150 in progress"
that is, assuming there is no camera in the horse.....
I get all of that combining, no psychic guards and crime has witnesses, Simple and efficient mods.
However, every now and then I see a new thread or read a good comment about the awesome Reneer's Guard Overhaul, and I can't help but wonder if I might be missing on a really good mod. So I go on and re-download this, only to end up disillusioned, once again.
The way I see it, either everybody else is delusional or there is a problem on my end. I'd like to think the second option is the correct one..... But, this time I removed all, and I mean all my mods, except for alternative start by ship, after using TES4Edit to make sure there where no conflicts. I started a new game and lo and behold, I got the same result.
The only thing that works, is using the RGO config ring to erase my bounty.
So here is my question again, do I need SI or any other resource, in order for this to work correctly?