Ok, first of all: The INI file is an advanced feature - maybe next release I'll add in some documentation.
Ah, I see.
It looks to me that your load order is all sorts of messed up - try running BOSS.
Actually, I run boss with the masterlist update option each time I add any mods, and also rebuild the patch (although for now I've limited the patch to mods that require it, that is it only imports cells from All Natural and roads from New roads and bridges), then move the mods that need to be high up to the end (as Boss doesn't sort mods it doesn't know).
My advice for everything else (except for the red clouds, there is nothing I can do about that, honestly): try clean-saving the mod (instructions are in the ReadMe).
Tried the clean save already, didn't help.
The red cloud issue is just something that I can't fix because it is entirely out of my control - lots of magic mods will modify the so-called "no effect" magic effects (darkness, lock, Bound Armor Extra 1-10, etc) to add in their own visual effects. I can't do anything about it if people run mods that modify all the "no effect" magic effects to use visuals.
I am aware of that. Installing Duke Patrick's silent script effects (the no nif version) fixed the clouds, now only the sound remains.
I'm wondering if modifying the mods that add sound to the null effect (UOP and Chain Beasts) would fix it... Strange that Duke's mod fixes the cloud, but leaves the sound there.
Edit. Interestingly enough, removing the sound references from those two mods didn't fix anything.
Noticed something, though. In the RenGuardOverhaul.esp file, the RenCrimeAoE spell has this line:
Visual effect name BA10
Is this meant to look like that?