from xbox to PC , OMG amazing

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:25 am

This thread made me actually laugh out loud.
It's like a hillbilly talking to pilots about how he fit a jetengine on top of his car and what he could do so it does fly better.

Wasted my time like everyone else who even glimpses at, save writes in this thread
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:19 pm

The OP is nearly computer illiterate so go easy on him. Basically guy, you need an entirely new computer. That's right, all new hardware. This is what everyone has been trying to tell you. "Amp" is a misnomer, it's a Power Supply Unit (PSU) since it's more than just amplification of power. Honestly i've never heard anyone in my entire 20 years of doing computer **** call it an amplifier, once I heard that term used I went 'oh here we go....' lol. I could go into the difference, but it's not the same as an amplifier for your sound processor on an audio unit. Even in audio, more watts does not mean better, in fact that can destroy your speakers if not properly matched. But that's a topic for another thread.

Yeah if you're interested in upgrading your rig many people have already stated what you need, ram, graphics card etc. But really it's a waste of money. The computer you have at the moment isn't worth putting money into, rather an entirely new rig would be where the money is best spent. Your hardware is several generations too old and simply not worth the investment. Save it and put it into something new where you'll get the best bang for your buck.

Now i would not suggest actually building your own until you've spent the time into learning the different functions and so forth which can take years (yes you head me, years if you're starting fresh). I doubt you want to do that so just buy a new one pre-built and ready to go.

Also, stay away from e-machines. Just....stay away, far away. They use the cheapest of cheap crap into them and they're junk. **** even a dell or hp would be much better than e-machines.

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Susan Elizabeth
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:38 am

IKillYouForFun is back under a new name
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Danny Warner
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:40 pm

This thread made me actually laugh out loud.
It's like a hillbilly talking to pilots about how he fit a jetengine on top of his car and what he could do so it does fly better.

Wasted my time like everyone else who even glimpses at, save writes in this thread

You're an ass, respectably. The man is in need of help. @OP, the biggest issue with PCs now-a-days is "bottlenecking." By that I mean that certain parts have a LOT of power and other parts don't, making the much stronger parts not run at their full potential. This is currently going on in your case. A GTX580 is a very very nice GPU, but your other components are no where near that kind of power, and you are noticing low FPS due to those poor parts. So, some people have mentioned some good advice. You could hop over to Best Buy, buy a computer with decent components, and put your GPU in there, provided it has a PCIe slot (don't feed a GTX through AGP, please...) and enough wattage to power that GTX580. OR, you could go to sites like, and build a rig without a GPU, and get good quality (you don't save money when building, bestbuy sells their PCs below cost to stay competitive). You have some choices. The way you are using your GTX580 right now though, through an AGP (cringe, such a slow data transfer), with 1GB of memory and a sempron (double cringe) you will have a FPS of 30 with no matter how many 580s you own. Take the money you're willing to spend on a second 580, and get a nicer CPU, motherboard, RAM, and hard drive.
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Conor Byrne
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:25 pm

Wow, I can't believe how much thought you guys are putting into your responses. This guy is obviously pretending to be an uber noob as a joke. Made me chuckle at least.
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Claire Lynham
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:12 am

THis can't be serious. If it were, there's no way he'd have figured out how to register here and ask his questions :)

Adding the aim assist bit was the part that made it a pretty obvious troll, though. Lol.
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Allison C
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:58 am

All of this BS tech reminds me of Dumbo's feather. By all means, son. get a bigger power amp.
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Haley Merkley
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:02 am

Successful troll is successful....
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Latisha Fry
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:45 am

Y'all are getting trolled good.

Step 1: Appeal to your sense of PC superiority:
I cant believe how amazing pc is over console,

Step 2: Feign extreme ignorance, so PC users can laugh at the noob xbawx kiddie:
a. I am actually able to play at 1366x768 resolution and still get almost 30 fps on high ,
b. the keyboard and mouse svck , but I got a controller.
c. I think my gpu is good but I need a dual core I am told,
d. it is a AMD sempron 2800+ is this a good gpu?
e. and my rams are 1024 gigabites. (lol rams and gigabites)
f. its the best e-machine they make (lol emachine)
g. but my dad upgraded the graphics cards to hd gx580 so I thought I would get more than 30 fps's and many times it says display driver stopped working, (fatal flaw talking about the 580-- shows too much knowledge imo)

Step 3: establish some credibility using a legit reference, and a plea for help
how can I get more fps's , can it be the power amp? it says 550 watts max on it its this one ... 6817170010

Step 4: Give PC readers something else to mock:
also I dont think aim assist is working, is there a known fix? thanks

Step 5: allow a few responses, then say something ridiculous again:
if i get a bigger amp like 1000 watt how many more fps's will I get ?

All in all well done OP 10/10!!!!

Edit: have to change my rating to 9/10 after finding this in OP's post history:
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Kirsty Collins
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:43 am

I'd suggest another GTX580. That should almost double your FPS.


I lol'd @ "xbawx" btw :D
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:16 am

troll alarm
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Rich O'Brien
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:03 pm

Y'all are getting trolled good.

Step 1: Appeal to your sense of PC superiority:
I cant believe how amazing pc is over console,

Step 2: Feign extreme ignorance, so PC users can laugh at the noob xbawx kiddie:
a. I am actually able to play at 1366x768 resolution and still get almost 30 fps on high ,
b. the keyboard and mouse svck , but I got a controller.
c. I think my gpu is good but I need a dual core I am told,
d. it is a AMD sempron 2800+ is this a good gpu?
e. and my rams are 1024 gigabites. (lol rams and gigabites)
f. its the best e-machine they make (lol emachine)
g. but my dad upgraded the graphics cards to hd gx580 so I thought I would get more than 30 fps's and many times it says display driver stopped working, (fatal flaw talking about the 580-- shows too much knowledge imo)

Step 3: establish some credibility using a legit reference, and a plea for help
how can I get more fps's , can it be the power amp? it says 550 watts max on it its this one ... 6817170010

Step 4: Give PC readers something else to mock:
also I dont think aim assist is working, is there a known fix? thanks

Step 5: allow a few responses, then say something ridiculous again:
if i get a bigger amp like 1000 watt how many more fps's will I get ?

All in all well done OP 10/10!!!!

Edit: have to change my rating to 9/10 after finding this in OP's post history:

The first two posts from OP already made me think that this thread was a troll. I was like... "woooooow" when I kept reading and people actually didn't notice they were getting trolled until the second page already.

I mean like come on. The guy had to be computer literate enough to be putting "hd gx 580" together to form a trololol gpu and all the freaken points that this guy that I just quoted had pointed out.

Indeed, 10/10 troll. People who actually kept answering to his troll. FYL and YDI.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:03 am

I got the second computer on my list from best buy my dad and I are putting the gtx 580 in it . ill let you know how it goes thanks for all the help guys, oh and this is my dads account, he plays the game too, so as far as the inteligent chat about 64 and 32 bit stuff, youd have to talk to him, hes a wiz at all this computer stuf thanks again
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megan gleeson
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:33 pm

it looks like we have to modify the case on this new pc to get the 580 to fit, any suggestions?
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:14 pm

why do you like keyboard and mouse so much? its so primative

The keyboard and mouse are what FPS's are built upon. The gamepad wasn't even considered a proper way to control an fps until Halo 1 did a good job of making it work out and became the first outstanding console FPS. Although I will admit I use a PS3 controller on my pc when I'm lazy or to play SP, If you want to actually be competitive in MP on a pc you must use a mouse and keyb.

As for the PSU (power supply) all that will let you do is run beefier hardware with more stability, this is not even a concern for you atm with your older PC and your money would be spent much better elsewhere as PSU's don't even yield an fps increase, ever.

I'm glad you've seen the light and have come over to PC gaming though!

EDIT: just saw your last couple posts, Cut out or bend the part of the hard drive cage I'm assuming your card is bumping into maybe? I almost had to do that to get my GTX260 to fit and I have a beast of a case.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:03 pm

looks like we are gonna use tinsnips, so there will be no metal shavings
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Karl harris
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:59 am

hd gx580
Among other things this cracked me up. Overall very funny thread. Good job :)
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:22 pm

If I have an Alienware do I kill Aliens better in the game?
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CArla HOlbert
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:50 pm

you guys dont need to make fun of me, im 13 not as smart at this as you im gotta go we are botting up and going to install the game on the new pc

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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:01 am

you guys dont need to make fun of me, im 13 not as smart at this as you
You're 13?

Would you like to see some puppies? I have candy in the back of my want?
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Raymond J. Ramirez
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:55 pm

why, would he want candy in your van, are you one of those guys we see on 20/20, look here Chester, my kid is just trying to learn here, go easy will ya? , anyways it is my understanding that I have to (de authorize ) this pc to be able to install the game on our new pc , does anyone know if this is true
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sarah taylor
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:10 am

-No aim assist
-You need another power supply
-E-machines aren't...that good. I suggest you get a new PC man.....maybe you and your dad can build one together or somethin as a project....your first built PC. I like to work on and build on my gaming rigs nowadays, but my FIRST EVER gaming rig was me, my dad, and his friend workin' on it. Damn, that was a long time ago.... If you need help building your PC, pm me, i'll help.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:04 am

why, would he want candy in your van, are you one of those guys we see on 20/20, look here Chester, my kid is just trying to learn here, go easy will ya? , anyways it is my understanding that I have to (de authorize ) this pc to be able to install the game on our new pc , does anyone know if this is true
Ugh what? I mistyped 'you're too young for this game'...damn...erm...I'm not used to this new keyboard?
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Symone Velez
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:38 pm

WOW guys this just keep getting better, with the new pc and gtx 580 im now getting about 55 fps instead of 30 and this is at 1600x900 now, still on high, it looks so much better than my xbox did, I want to get crysis 1 now, I cant see any difference in high or very high or extreme but its very laggy on extreme, is that normal ?
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Betsy Humpledink
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:09 am

I will download the crysis 1 demo next
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Lizbeth Ruiz
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