» Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:13 pm
I cant believe how amazing pc is over console, I am actually able to play at 1366x768 resolution and still get almost 30 fps on high , the keyboard and mouse svck , but I got a controller. I think my gpu is good but I need a dual core I am told, it is a AMD sempron 2800+ is this a good gpu? and my rams are 1024 gigabites. its the best e-machine they make but my dad upgraded the graphics cards to hd gx580 so I thought I would get more than 30 fps's and many times it says display driver stopped working, how can I get more fps's , can it be the power amp? it says 550 watts max on it its this one http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817170010
also I dont think aim assist is working, is there a known fix? thanks
Okay. Some things here that you need to know. Sempron 2800+ CPU is about 5-8 yrs old. In order to upgrade you have to get completely new Hardware. New mother board, CPU, maybe video card if its AGP as mobo's these days are only PCI-e. As for Display driver. Try updating that to latest from manufacturer's website. And with your specs I'm surprised you're getting 30 fps. And as for your "aim assist" it was removed from PC. There is an option to re-enable it but this game is best played with WASD and mouse. PC fps games play largely different from console