Frost-Raven's Ridiculous Roleplaying Rules #2

Post » Tue May 07, 2013 7:47 am

Below are a culmination of all of the RRR's from thread #1

If you have any of your own Ridiculous Role-playing Rules I encourage you to list them below.

RRPG Challenge!

If you are inclined to do so I encourage you to pick or make 2 rules from every category in an attempt to create a role-play character. Tell us your choices and every 10 levels give us an update on how you like your Ridiculous Role-Play character! Feel free to choose more or mix and match categories.

The original thread can be found

General Rules

i. Words of Wisdom

There are no set rules for an RPG play how you want- WarGhoul

Do what feels right for your character- Broder_fisk

The only ridiculous Role-play rule is the one that makes playing the game no longer fun for the player.- bradleyh

These are things, habits or rules, which we engage in because it makes the game more fun and more enjoyable for us. Role playing is just a form of storytelling. - Eayri

To achieve the perfect Role-Playing you have to disconnect from you RL self and become your character. -Frost-Raven

Make time for RP and use your imagination, but I don't get obsessive -Greg Scott Neuman

Pre-plan motives and response styles to help keep RP "in character"- Gizmo

Ignore that destiny stuff and carve out your own niche in the world, and a dangerous world it is- The_Mike007

Try and stretch out main and faction quests- mcleod

Try to stick to only a few major encounters in a single day- Fenist Brightfalcon

Set general goals and challenges for your character- Blade

Parallel lives (avoid having characters live in the same house/ have the same family as another) - Oddish

We're supposed to be playing these games to have fun. If we have fun making up these rules then we should do it. But if it's not fun, then we should not do it. It's as simple as that.

One-size-fits-all rules applied to every character are not roleplaying. A true role-player will apply only those rules that are suited to the character. - Pseron Wyrd

"Time you enjoy wasting isn't wasted time." Beatrix Russell- Edalriso

Play the role as it should be played, without using unfair undeserved advantages -Sitruc






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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 8:04 am

Is this like a homage to Frost Raven? Because that guy is banned.

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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 7:36 am

Negative and I didn't know that. The original thread was his, and I didn't want to claim credit for it. The work in compiling all of the things discussed in the thread is mine alone. Most of it completed back in March. The collection of the RRRs in one place makes for easy print/ copy and save of many ideas for the avid role-player. :tops: It also discourages people from posting the same thing.

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