It seems to be working in that it prevents the starting of the frostcrag quest. Not sure if it then starts it as per plugin refurbish ought though.
A few other questions. Does the current UL patch for Reborn work with this version?
What about the Item Interchange addon for Frostcrag Reborn?
It took several reloads before I realized that in order to switch to this version from older reborn that one must first install just the regular DLC then save then this version. Adding in both at the same time resulted in ctds on save load every time.
I'm checking in TES4EDIT at the moment regarding Plugin Refurbish. I'll get back to you later today

. I'll also check regarding Item Interchange, though my gut feeling tells me this should be fine.
Regarding xulSnowdale, the current patch works fine

. I'll have to edit the readme about that, because I was playing without it loaded when I wrote that there are problems :facepalm:
Also, I'll make a note in the read-me to clean save with the rugular DLC first. Did it not work even if you clean saved without any (Frostcrag) plugins active, then loading both??