Latest release should fix all CTD issues, and now includes the
Notes regarding Cobl, the Frostcrag Unofficial Patch and SM Plugin Refurbish:
The unofficial patch isn't necessary, but it's not bundled either, and is highly recommended, for obvious reasons

As for Cobl, it's optional; a patch is provided for those that want the added benefits. In a later date i'll update the main file to include an OBSE check for Cobl, to free up an esp slot.
As of v1.3.2 (latest release) SM Plugin Refurbish should work fine with Frostcrag Reborn De-Isolated.
Version: 1.3.2
Date: 09/11/2011
Category: House/Quest Mod
Author: AliTheLord
Oblivion 1.2.416
DLC - Shivering Isles
DLC - Wizard's Tower
Please refer to the original read-me regarding OBSE Enhanced Music Control and Sound Commands.
This is Frostcrag Reborn de-isolated. It is exactly the same as the original,
except that it is now generally more compatible.
Specifially it was made so that it now works with the Unofficial Frostcrag Patch.
An optional patch is now included for compatibility with Arthmoor's Frostcrag Village. Which can be found in the following locations:
See the original read-me for the exact details of what Frostcrag Reborn adds.
You do not need to download the original mod, as the resources are included in this download.
The original mod can be found here:
If you have previously installed Frostcrag Reborn, or any other mod that replaces the DLCFrostcrag.esp, you MUST restore the .esp to the original Bethesda .esp. The Frostcrag Reborn read-me tells you to back up the original Bethesda file. You should find this file, and place it in your Oblivion/Data folder, overwriting any previous files.
If you experience some CTDs upon save load after upgrading from Frostcrag Reborn, then try clean saving with just DLCFrostcrag.esp (Bethesda version) loaded, then add DLCFrostcrag Reborn.esp (Thanks Psymon)
Manual Install
1. Extract this archive to any folder and then copy the contents to Oblivion's Data folder.
2. Start Oblivion Launcher, click Data Files, and enable the Frostcrag Reborn De-Isolated.esp file(s).
BAIN Install
1. Copy the entire archive into your Oblivion Mods\Bash Installers folder.
2. In Wrye Bash Installers tab, highlight the new archive.
3. Check any sub-folders, ESP/ESM's as required.
4. Right click the archive name and Install.
5. In Wrye Bash Mods tab, check the ESP/ESM's and rebuild Bashed patch. (Also recommeneded to run BOSS first).
Load Order
Please refer to BOSS for load ordering. Otherwise load like so:
DLCFrostcrag - Unofficial Patch.esp
DLCFrostcrag Reborn.esp
Frostcrag Village.esp
DLCFrostcrag Reborn - Frostcrag Village Patch.esp
Manual Un-Install
1. Start Oblivion Launcher, click Data Files, and enable the Frostcrag Reborn De-Isolated.esp file(s).
2. Delete the files/folders associated with the mod.
BAIN Un-Install
1. In Wrye Bash Mods tab, deselect the ESP/ESM's associated with this mod.
2. In Wrye Bash Installers tab, right click on the archive name and Uninstall.
3. Rebuild Bashed patch.
It is not wise to updrage from the original Frostcrag Reborn mod. Things will likey go wrong, as the FormIDs of a lot of things have changed.
If you already have Frostcrag Reborn installed, then you must make a clean save when upgrading. (remove the original esp from your load order, then save, then restart Oblivion with Frostcrag Reborn De-Isolated).
It is also vital that you are using the original Bethesda .esp, NOT the one provided with Frostcrag Reborn, other wise things will go horribly wrong.
Anything that changes the oringial Bethesda DLCFrostcrag.esp is incompatible with this mod.
Known Issues:
None that I am aware of (yet).
If you have any problems, please report them in the current Frostcrag Reborn De-Isolated thread over on the Bethesda Softworks forum, as I'm more active there.
The patch for xulSnowdale and Frostcrag Reborn works just fine with this version.
09/11/2011 - v1.3.2
Changed some internal stuff so SM Plugin Refurbish is now completely compatible.
04/11/2011 - v1.3.1
Correctly PyFFI'd the meshes.
03/11/2011 - v1.3.0
Included DSoS' Frostcrag Reborn Exterior Stairs Fix.
Original mod found here:
03/11/2011 - v1.2.1
Fixed a VWD mesh causing CTDs after running TES4LODGen by running the
3 stage optimization utility with PyFFI 2.1.10 (Thanks again Arthmoor)
31/10/2011 - v1.2.0
Fixed issues relating to a CTD caused by a non-persistent door (thanks Arthmoor!)
Lazyly cleaned Frostcrag Village Patch.
24/10/2011 - v1.1.1:
Fixed pathgrid issues in Frostcrag Village.
23/10/2011 - v1.1.0:
Patch for Arthmoor's Frostcrag Village included.
20/10/2011 - v1.0.0:
Initial release.
Contact Details:
AliTheLord on the Bethesda Forums, TESNexus and TESA.
Thanks to InsanitySorrow for his ReadMe Generator this file is based on.
Thanks to Bethesda for creating Oblivion.
INdefiance, for making the original (and awesome) Frostcrag Reborn.
Arthmoor, for answering my (many) questions. Without him I would probably have not released this.
Varoious people on the BGS forums for helping me

DSoS for allowing me to include his Frostcrag Reborn Exterior Stair Fix mod.
ElminsterAU, for creating the wonder that is TES4EDIT. Without this tool this mod would have been impossible to make.
Tools Used:
Insanity's ReadMe Generator
Elderscrolls Construction Set
Construction Set Extender
You must contact me and obtain my permission before re-packaging any part of this mod.
If I do not respond within 6 months, feel free to do whatever you like with this mod.