I'm almost certain that I've tracked down an issue I've been having with Frostfall. About a week or so I received the following message, "Youre game's scripting system is running too slowly in order for Frostfall to run correctly. Please see Troubleshooting page of the online documentation for tips. Your exposure value will not change until this improves (Last update took 145.040131 sec, expected <20.0sec)." I was able to fix the problem in-game with the options on MCM. I made a post about this and after researching possible causes and solutions I decided that this was probably an isolated incident and I just went on about my business.
Well, last night I received this message twice in a relatively short period of time. However, I noticed the common denominator was that I had just completed using a feature from Hunterborn. I can't remember for sure but I think I was "harvesting meat" from a carcass when the error message popped up.
I'm not sure if this is a common issue or if it is something that can even be fixed but I'm hoping I can find a solution here. For now I've simply disabled Hunterborn.
While I feel like I've definitely narrowed the problem (Frostfall error) to Hunterborn I believe I can accurately speculate on what exactly is causing it. When I use a feature from Hunterborn (harvesting ingredients, skinning pelts, butchering meat, etc.) it takes some time, as those of you who use it know. During this time the game screen fades to black and an hour passes in-game time. I believe the problem lies here. In the time period when the game "fast-forwards."
Because Frostfall relies on weather changes, exposure, etc. I feel like the fast-forwarding is somehow causing an issue with the game registering the changes in temperature and therefore causing an error.
This may be wrong, but this is my gut feeling. I'm going to do some more research and hope that I can resolve this problem. I really enjoy Hunterborn but I'll get rid of it if need be to save my Frostfall experience.