» Tue Aug 26, 2014 8:40 am
Hello everyone. After I finish work on Wearable Lanterns 3.0, here is what my current plans look like for Frostfall 2.6. I can't speak to when this will be out; probably not before Christmas, but possibly the week of. We'll have to see what happens.
Frostfall 2.6 will be the "Feature Complete" version. Every feature I ever intended to be in Frostfall in one form or another will have finally come to pass by this version. Any future releases will consist of minor adjustments, bug fixes, compatibility updates and other minor edits. I'm glad to have finally made it this far. Your encouragement and support has seen me through some rough spots and pushed me forward all the way to this finish line. Thank you.
* When one or more followers are near you, you will be able to gather twice as much deadwood as you would on your own, and the likelihood of finding dense stones is greatly increased.
* The performance of your followers will mirror your own; the penalties suffered by you will also be suffered by your companions.
* Followers will sit near lit campfires and sandbox around the campsite when a campfire is placed.
* Followers will prevent campfires from going out by bringing wood from a nearby pile of firewood and carrying it to the fire.
* Followers will sleep in a nearby bedroll between the hours of 8PM and 6AM (except Serana and other followers with the ActorTypeUndead keyword).
* If you succumb to exposure, you have a 25% chance for one of your followers to rescue you.
* Most popular multi-follower mods will be supported.
* Most popular stand-alone companion and follower mods will be supported. Since some custom companion mods include complex scripted behavior, not all companions may support all features.
* Dawnguard: Adding two new spells: Conjure Vampiric Shelter, Lesser, and Conjure Vampiric Shelter, Greater. They are identical to their counterparts, but include coffins in the place of beds.
* I will be adding an option to enable a mode that will grant a set of (as yet undetermined) benefits and direct exposure restoration properties to fire spells. Since this is to be the near-final feature-complete version, and since this has been requested by so many players over the years, I figure, why the hell not. It will be accompanied by at least two to three separate warning pop-up messages that this option may completely destroy the integrity of your Frostfall experience and that you probably jay-walk and cheat on your taxes, but it will allow you to do so. Yes, this includes Flame Cloak. If you've requested this capability in the past, congratulations! I hope you choke on it. (Not really, I kid. Enjoy.)
* Vampires will recieve a 3rd mode of operation. Under this mode, you will be able to swim through frigid water without harm, and you will recieve a generous exposure resistance bonus for as long as you are a vampire. All other rules of exposure, including death, will apply. This is intended to serve as a middle ground between complete mortality treatment and complete immunity.
Other Features
* Most / all of the information contained in the Show Status option of Survival Skills will be displayed at the bottom of the screen of the "Compass" Menu (Skills/Magic/Items/Map). Your current exposure, wetness, exposure protection, exposure resistance, and rank will be a tab key away and will feel naturally integrated into the interface. This feature can be turned on or off.
Bug Fixes and Adjustments
* Many and varied. TBA.
If you have any suggestions, now would be the time to make them. I would prefer that they be related to the features noted above, but anything particularly novel will be considered. What would not be considered novel, not possible, or just not a good fit for Frostfall would be:
* Compatibility with (insert complete Tamriel climate overhaul here)
* Sweating / overheating / physical exertion (running, jumping, swimming) mechanic,
* Anything to do with the degree a vampire is fed (I can't make this work across every vampire mod),
* Compatibility with a magical flaming horse,
* Anything to do with digging holes or using holes to store items / use as shelter,
* Anything to do with your race choice granting a benefit/penalty,
* Anything regarding affecting general NPCs in the world with bonuses / penalties.
The above have been requested many, many times, and are not candidates to be included.
Thanks for reading and happy Thursday,
- Chesko