[RELz] Frostfall - Thread 11 - 2.6 Released

Post » Tue Aug 26, 2014 3:36 am

Just to let everyone know, Frostfall 2.6 is now available on http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11163! Enjoy!

Frostfall 2.6 Change Log

* Certain new features are added when traveling with at least one follower (see below). Confirmed compatibility:
Vanilla Followers
AFT Followers
EFF Followers
DLC Followers (Serana, etc)
Most custom followers (Arissa, Vilja, etc)
(Before asking, "is my custom follower / multi-follower mod compatible, please TRY IT FIRST, and then let me know. Chances are, it should work.)

* When traveling with at least one follower, you are granted the Will To Survive effect, which grants an extra 5% Exposure Resistance. Note: there is no benefit granted for traveling with more than one follower.
* When traveling with at least one follower, you harvest an additional 2 firewood or an additional 2 to 4 deadwood. You will find dense stones 15% more often.
* Followers will now attempt to use nearby bedrolls when the player is sitting or lying down inside a tent (up to 3 followers in the largest tent). This is purely an immersion feature and imparts no benefit.
* Followers will warm their hands near fires when you are warming up.

* Rescue: When succumbing to exposure, you can now be rescued by your followers, your pet, hunters, or random passersby. There are over 50 areas across Skyrim, the Forgotten Vale, and Solstheim you could end up after succumbing to exposure. In general, traveling with a follower or pet will result in being taken to the nearest safe place after collapsing. If being rescued while traveling alone, you may end up halfway across Skyrim!
* The Rescue Chance when traveling Alone or with a Follower / Pet can be adjusted separately via the MCM or via the Configuration spell.

* There is now a 2-bedroll version of the Small Fur Tent.

* Added default support for the following new armors from Immersive Armors v7:
Barbarian Hero: Limited protection
Snow Bear: Full protection, integrated fur cloak
Stormlord: Full protection, integrated fur cloak
Trollsbane: Full protection, integrated fur cloak


* You now have a 20% chance of recovering a Dense Stone when searching for Deadwood (was 15%).
* Stone Arrows are now crafted using Dense Stone Fragments, which are acquired by using Survival Skills on a Dense Stone, or by harvesting wood using a Stone Hatchet.
* The Wood Harvesting Cutscene has been removed.
* The world object that spawned when harvesting wood has been removed. Wood is now deposited directly into the player's inventory.
* As it is no longer required, a modified version of the vanilla script CarryFurnitureScript.pex/psc is no longer included with the mod.
* Hotkeys can now be set even if there is a conflicting hotkey.
* The Walking Stick can no longer be enchanted or disenchanted.
* The Walking Stick's damage was reduced to 4.
* Implemented new normal maps for backpack by uncheat
* Added a Cleaned Pelts to Leather crafting recipe.
* The player should now remove their helmet and boots more often in tents.


* Frostfall now checks for ActorTypeDragon on the player's race. If detected, the player will be immune to exposure. This was to facilitate custom races that should be immune to exposure, either temporarily or permanently (player does not necessarily need to "be" a dragon, but the custom race must implement the ActorTypeDragon keyword).


* Fixed an issue where the player may become cold while sleeping inside their home or other areas.
* Fixed an issue where the player had to re-enable Fast Travel near the Black Book: Winds of Change. Fast Travel is now automatically enabled around Black Books.
* Fixed an issue where hot keys could activate while the player was in other menus.
* Fixed an issue where swimming before the mod was activated would result in papyrus log errors.
* Fixed an issue where using mods that edit armors to use Slot 52 would cause Inspect Equipment to no longer work.
* Fixed an issue where equipment in slot 47 was not being filtered properly when SKSE was also installed. This caused an issue with the West Wind Misfit Mage outfit's pouch being registered as a glove.
* Fixed an issue where the "Comfortable" state would make the Stamina value in the Skills menu to display green, even though it was not modified.
* Fixed typo in Survivor's Guide.
* Removed some erroneous papyrus messages.
* Cleaned two erroneous edits to spell scrolls from the ESP.
* Fixed an issue where followers would sometimes try to use the player's bedroll.
* Fixed an issue where "Meters Only" configuration option would cause no indicators to display when using the Weathersense spell.

Known Issues (will not be fixed):
* Casting a bound cloak does not clear the magic effect of an already cast bound cloak.

* Due to some campfires having "Enable State Parents", some campfires may not be able to be lit in the world successfully, may not emit heat when lit, and may create a small number of papyrus log errors when the player is near them. Thankfully, this applies to a very small number of campfires.

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Cody Banks
Posts: 3393
Joined: Thu Nov 22, 2007 9:30 am


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