You have a slight point but you're exaggerating. On lower levels the contents of hard/very hard locked containers are by far the best way to get money IMO. :shrug:
I've yet to find anything all that exciting in a hard locked chest for ages. Occasionally a unique item but not what I'd call powerful or useful, just unique.
My character is rolling in money even with EE and gold restrictions. All the creatures and quests and turning in magic loot - my character makes more money selling magic jewelry than anything else. Which is SO plentiful in this game. Rarely does he ever get the full value but even selling at 30% value just by carrying a bag of frost shield rings and hitting every merchant on the road (who never turn down loot btw) he rakes in 1000s of gold.
Magic in this game is so plentiful and so meaningless. Any buffoon can cast a low level fireball, turn invisible, or summon a demon from another dimension and most of the magic is weak and for show. That is a fallacy of this game and its design to allow you to "go anywhere and do anything." That is design flaw and other than EE with its strict remove loot functions (which I can't bare as I at least want to try and find good loot) there is not much of a fix I've found yet. To make magic truly rare. There are great magic overhauls ... Midas, Fearsome, etc but those don't remove the plenitude of low level magic dross that drowns out and make mundane all the magic.
OOO/FCOM have made an attempt to at least make chests more challenging, but after that what is found in the chests remains :yawn:
Finding hard lock scrolls takes more work than finding hard locked chests and then the treasure often makes me want to save the scroll in hopes the next chest is better. A low level character is better off either saving before opening or just not opening them for a while till they have enough scrolls, bash abilities, magic abilities, stealth abilities to make it worth doing.
But I've used the console before too - I mean really am I supposed to fight my way to the bottom of a 4 level dungeon and be one scroll short and then go back to town to scrounge up a scroll with Map marker overhaul marking the dungeon - or worse go back after cell respawn and fight my way all the way back down there again to get ... ... a grand soul gem, some sword of silliness, and a 30% shock ring and maybe 3-400 gold? Maybe a nice piece of armor - mostly not. No thanks. All that is falling off the shelf anyway with every encounter on every road, hill, dungeon, cave, fort, etc. "Oh a ring of 3% chameleon ... oh ... well just throw it on the pile ... I may get 200 for it from some merchant who hangs out at the corner of the cave of doom and fort desolation."
So I don't think I'm exaggerating in saying that just making the access to the chests doesn't make them more interesting once opened. In fact the lame loot just makes them more of a nuisance.
But I do have another answer and that is - great mod that replaces the generic lock picks with various levels that can improve your security skill. So my nord paladin has low level lock pick, but with a better lock pick he has medium level.