» Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:04 pm
there is a bug in crysis 1 where it keeps picking the wrong refresh rate , it keeps trying to change my refresh rate from 60 to 30. so check what refresh rate you are using once you start crysis.
That's how v-sync is supposed to work. If it can't sustain 60fps then it halves to 30fps, if not, it halves again to 15fps, and so on. Buffering can allow for frame rates in-between.
Not sure why the OP is getting 60fps in windowed mode and 50fps in full-screen mode though. What resolution are you running in each mode?
Uh.... thats not what V-sync does at all.
V-sync just caps the FPS at the refresh rate to prevent tearing. You can also use v-sync to stop your cards from rendering older/simpler games or menus at 1000fps (or some insane number), causing them to overheat.
V-Sync is not an fps cap. As it's name suggests, it's a synchronisation method.
Essentially this means that with double-buffered VSync, the framerate can only be equal to a discrete set of values equal to Refresh / N where N is some positive integer. That means if you're talking about 60Hz refresh rate, the only framerates you can get are 60, 30, 20, 15, 12, 10, etc etc. You can see the big gap between 60 and 30 there. Any framerate between 60 and 30 your video card would normally put out would get dropped to 30.
While enabling vsync does fix tearing, it also sets the internal framerate of the game to, at most, the refresh rate of the monitor (typically 60Hz for most LCD panels). This can hurt performance even if the game doesn't run at 60 frames per second as there will still be artificial delays added to effect synchronization. Performance can be cut nearly in half cases where every frame takes just a little longer than 16.67 ms (1/60th of a second). In such a case, frame rate would drop to 30 FPS despite the fact that the game should run at just under 60 FPS. The elimination of tearing and consistency of framerate, however, do contribute to an added smoothness that double buffering without vsync just can't deliver.