Full co-op in skyrm?

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:11 am

Games over the past few years have had to make a decision somewhere around the story board faze that greatly changes the coarse of development of the game. Does the developer try to implement fully integrated co-op over system link or internet play including xbox live?(halo, boarderlands or fable 3 as just some examples)

I would hope that since this is the companies second foray into an xbox 360 title with the availability of xbox live's pay for service that 2 to 4 player co-op is even attempted. Rummaging through dungeons and all around exploring the world or cyrodil in Elder Scrolls: Oblivion would have been amazing but it was a little bit ahead of it's time then to EXPECT it to be integrated into the game. Skyrm is looking to be a graphical powerhouse and I honestly don't know what to expect.

One thing I do know is that every game that has fully integrated co-op in their game has had to make sacrifices from somewhere. I will give two examples I can think of off the top of my head. Borderlands off host on xbox 360 the graphics takes a hit and halo 3 the graphics take a hit all around. So in theory skyrm in co-op only would have to take a slight hit from somewhere and when it comes to voting it should be something to consider.

But if it did have fully integrated co-op it could possibly be one of the best games ever made.

Please keep in mind that I am talking about fully integrated co-op and not multiplayer.

Fully integrated co-op is simple it's like super mario bros with a second or up to four players, it's inexpensive.

Multiplayer is like WoW which has adversarial plus raid instinces etc etc (too much work).

Co-op is just allowing for a second player to tag along......not all the other things that come with a multiplayer game when skyrm is a year away, that is asking too much.
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Laura Tempel
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:27 am

Wow, how many threads on this do we need?

I still say no. I'd rather that Bethesda focus solely on single player and not detract resources from it.

Besides, what about the console on the PC? And mods? No way everyone on the PC will have the same configuration.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:46 am

The first Elder Scrolls game has been released 15 years ago? And every since, Bethesda has made the best games out there and they were all singleplayer. So, I say no to any form of multiplayer. That's just my opinion though. And there are already threads on this.
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John N
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:19 am

Co-op sure but I don't care if it's not in the game.
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Nancy RIP
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:58 pm

There's too much permanency that exists in all TES games that really discourages this kind of online play.
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Alba Casas
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:04 pm

Wow, how many threads on this do we need?

I still say no. I'd rather that Bethesda focus solely on single player and not detract resources from it.

Besides, what about the console on the PC? And mods? No way everyone on the PC will have the same configuration.

The only other topic was talking about multiplayer, not fully integrated co-op, but I understand how it's hard to tell the difference between the two.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:47 am


Because if they were to integrate full co-op into the champeine, it would force the game developers to make many changes to the origonal style of TES.

I don't want them to change the way TES is played.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:44 pm

I think some type of co-op would be amazing in Skyrim. Imagine, all the quest mementos you tediously arranged throughout the display cases in your house will finally garner some appreciation. Archers and mages can have their heavy armored friends charge in and take some of the heat off them, you can have a friend with you when you take on whatever badass final boss this game will hopefully have. If done well, co-op could be the greatest thing to ever grace TES. But it has to be done right. No losing all your own items a la Fable 2. Also you could run into other problems as well. Guild standings for example. Can't really be 2 Archmages can there? But if Bethesda could find a way to do this and do it well, It would be a huge step forward for the series.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:40 am

Ooh, it's evens Stevens :) I voted no, because none of my friends play TES and I don't want you lot having more fun than me :P
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:03 am

Open discussion and poll over http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1148251-capes-and-multiplayer/page__st__60__p__16790104__hl__multiplayer__fromsearch__1#entry16790104
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