DX 11 full support. Or just shades as in BFBC? Face thetruth

Post » Sun May 08, 2011 4:22 am

Ok, Crytek! I understand that you will give us more details about DX 11. But will it be a FULL support or just 5% of it. If you will release DX 11 just to show the exe is DX 11 version. Then it will be an epic FAIL. I do not wanna to be rude to your company, but face the truth. Waiting for patch with DX 11 and do not touch the game since the start till DX 11.

Sincerly, your fan!

What do others think - Will it be a FULL (max) support or just 5-10% of it?
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Shelby McDonald
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Post » Sun May 08, 2011 12:30 am

As the announcement said, we're working towards getting the best out of DX11. We can't give specifics at the moment but take from that what you will for now :)

More info as we get it!
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Post » Sun May 08, 2011 8:11 am

I honestly don't care that much since i don't even run dx11 and having a ball playing the game.
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Penny Courture
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Post » Sun May 08, 2011 4:00 am

it will be MAXIMUM DX11... "DX11 will have all the featuress inclouded and will require quad sli of gtx 590 to run at 10 fps."
Sincerely a true crytek fan!
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Charlotte Henderson
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Post » Sun May 08, 2011 6:09 am

Did anyone else notice that there are a D3DX9_42.dll and a d3dx10_42.dll in the ...\Crysis 2\bin32 folder? There is no d3dx11_42.dll :) Wonder what happens if one add it manually ;)

The file is already on your disk: ...\Crysis 2\install\directx\Aug2009_d3dx11_42_x86.cab (open/extract with winrar)

Based on the file sizes of D3DX9_42.dll and d3dx10_42.dll these are 32 bit versions, so I guess the d3dx11_42.dll needs to be as well...

I bet dx=auto is already set for this game :p
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Post » Sun May 08, 2011 7:53 am

As the announcement said, we're working towards getting the best out of DX11. We can't give specifics at the moment but take from that what you will for now :)

More info as we get it!

Water and soft shadows like BC2. Thanks, Adam! Skirting around the question like all the other times Crytek lied.
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Samantha Pattison
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Post » Sun May 08, 2011 10:45 am

Wow, an actual response from the mods! There's something you rarely see. But since, were getting a response, lets talk abou the two things we want to really see in the DX11 version.

1. Good tessellation. And better textures to match. Scaling for the tessellation should be selectable in the graphics options so we dont have trillions of polys appear on a model in less we want that to happen.

2. Tessellation linked to displacement mapping. So we can turn 2d textures of things like tiles, into real, 3d tiles.

Lets actually use DX11.

And how about some water and lighting as good as C1 while your at it?
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Post » Sun May 08, 2011 7:59 am

Motion blur slider!
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Tammie Flint
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Post » Sun May 08, 2011 1:10 am

In STALKER Call of Pripyat, the difference between DX9 and DX11 (I know, I know...it's DX10 that makes the difference) was astronomical because the API was implemented extensively and correctly. That is what I want.
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Keeley Stevens
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Post » Sun May 08, 2011 12:09 am

Is this the 1st post announcement DX11 whine thread?
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Guy Pearce
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Post » Sun May 08, 2011 6:33 am

will require quad sli of gtx 590 to run at 10 fps.
What you saying is fully true, and the lot of DX11 fans - lol, fans, but they haven't seen real DX11 - doesn't know how can DX11 can pull down the framecount. I have attached an image to show how the tassellation can cause 15 FPS from 140, and this is why game industry doesn't like this stuff.
File comment: Tassellation framerates.
tassel.jpg [ 198.53 KiB | Viewed 121 times ]
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Ashley Clifft
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Post » Sat May 07, 2011 8:53 pm

Did anyone else notice that there are a D3DX9_42.dll and a d3dx10_42.dll in the ...\Crysis 2\bin32 folder? There is no d3dx11_42.dll :) Wonder what happens if one add it manually ;)

The file is already on your disk: ...\Crysis 2\install\directx\Aug2009_d3dx11_42_x86.cab (open/extract with winrar)

Based on the file sizes of D3DX9_42.dll and d3dx10_42.dll these are 32 bit versions, so I guess the d3dx11_42.dll needs to be as well...

I bet dx=auto is already set for this game :p
The dll-file itself does not change anything. The question is: Does the game use it? What happens if you rename or delete the dx9- and dx10-file (to make sure the game uses the dx11-file only) and copy the dx-file in the bin32-folder? Does it work?
Time to test...
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Juanita Hernandez
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Post » Sun May 08, 2011 6:04 am

will require quad sli of gtx 590 to run at 10 fps.
What you saying is fully true, and the lot of DX11 fans - lol, fans, but they haven't seen real DX11 - doesn't know how can DX11 can pull down the framecount. I have attached an image to show how the tassellation can cause 15 FPS from 140, and this is why game industry doesn't like this stuff.

The model was subdivided an incredible 31 times! 140 down to 15 is VERY good for that many subdivisions. In DX9 your fps would be about 2.5fps at best with this level of geometric detail. Plus 460 is anyway the weakest DX11 card for Nvidia and 1 year out of date.

Also it's not 140 and under 15

It's 136 and 16.4 it says on your picture.

Besides this is not even as good an indicator as a benchmark and we all have those running fine on our home PC's.


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Lucky Boy
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Post » Sun May 08, 2011 10:40 am

I sincerely hoe that the dx11 patch brings some magic because the game needs it. Between bad textures, lacking physics, destructibiity replaced by 2d bullethole sprites and the fact that most objects are baked right into levels rather than induvidually rendered objects I thik Crytek either has one incredible patch in store for us or we're just going to have to accept that maxed Crysis 1 looks better than maxed Crysis 2 unless you think lighting makes up for resoution, physics, level size, interactivity within levels and individual rendering of objects for the sake of destruction.

After Crysis 1, I fully exected Crytek to raise the bar and make me witness office spaces being torn to pieces and me dying as a result of throwing grenades in tight places where clutter might just, as a resullt of gravity, end up in your face.

Instead I got the opposite; A world where, if you interact with something, it's because you got a contextual prompt to do so. Where, if you actually do manage to drop a piece of enviroment on an enemy, it's because the game wanted you to do so. Where procedural destruction and and physical calculations have taken a backseat to scripting scens of amazing chaos.

I surely can't be alone in witnessing the downgrade... Crysis 1 start's you out with a scrited scene in an airplane and the parasuit diving conclusion after which you're on the Island, ready to follow your (linear) free path to the next goal.

In Crysis 2 it's scripted scene --> Corridor --> scriptied scene - >> scripted scene -> cutscene ---> corridor.

Seconds after entering the first open space in the game, I witness some truly horriffic foliage textures lying in corners. These were a shortcoming of Crysis 1 and generally benefitted from high res mods. Why are they worse this time to the extent of no longer being in a technique that TSAA works on for example? Why is there a terrible textre in every corner that you're suposed to pass by? Sure Crysis 1 was rough around certain edges but it's obvious that they actualy made a point out of consistency. it's from 07 and the bad textures are on par with the good ones in C2!!

I'm not tech wizard ut I fear that the dx11 atch ca't save the game at all... Can it reintroduce individualy rendered objects rather than the ones baked into the native Crysis 2 levels? How wil that affect gameplay balance? Imroving texture resolution won't solve anything by itself either because we're back to how much the levels are rendered compared to how pretty the tapestry is. When we call the game consolized it's not just about being low res, it's about the taking the sense of freedom from Crysis 1 and instead of exanding upon it, they confined it til it matched certain techcnical specs.

We're not saying Crysis 1 looks better because it stil has certain advantages, it actualy looks better while maintaining higher destructibility, interactivity and freedom of exploration.

Crysys 1 was always a game where the screenshots did not tell the entire story.
Crysis 2 is a game where the screenshot does tell the story and then adds a few favours by way of assumption.
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Post » Sat May 07, 2011 7:34 pm

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Ezekiel Macallister
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Post » Sun May 08, 2011 4:00 am

Did anyone else notice that there are a D3DX9_42.dll and a d3dx10_42.dll in the ...\Crysis 2\bin32 folder? There is no d3dx11_42.dll :) Wonder what happens if one add it manually ;)

The file is already on your disk: ...\Crysis 2\install\directx\Aug2009_d3dx11_42_x86.cab (open/extract with winrar)

Based on the file sizes of D3DX9_42.dll and d3dx10_42.dll these are 32 bit versions, so I guess the d3dx11_42.dll needs to be as well...

I bet dx=auto is already set for this game :p
The dll-file itself does not change anything. The question is: Does the game use it? What happens if you rename or delete the dx9- and dx10-file (to make sure the game uses the dx11-file only) and copy the dx-file in the bin32-folder? Does it work?
Time to test...

Exactly - hence I bet dx=auto is already set for this game :p

Edit: Enjoy testing :) I will also test a little later - off to the cinema now to watch Battle: Los Angeles :D (Kinda Crysis 2, but without the Nanosuit)
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Suzie Dalziel
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Post » Sun May 08, 2011 4:12 am

Whoa, wait. Crytek staff both replied AND had a smiley face in the message.

Implying that the coming news is good.

Only good things can come of this, ladies and gents.
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Tyrone Haywood
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Post » Sun May 08, 2011 6:04 am

I hope crytek will put a lite tessellation, cuz if they put a real full tessellation all system will run the game very laggy. I hope that will be a optimized DX11.
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Cat Haines
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Post » Sat May 07, 2011 6:29 pm

will require quad sli of gtx 590 to run at 10 fps.
What you saying is fully true, and the lot of DX11 fans - lol, fans, but they haven't seen real DX11 - doesn't know how can DX11 can pull down the framecount. I have attached an image to show how the tassellation can cause 15 FPS from 140, and this is why game industry doesn't like this stuff.

tessellation is like the shaders.

we started with 1 shader core (one for vertex and other for pixel shader)

and to date we have up to 1500 stream cores and up to 512 cuda cores (its the same,AMD is the first and nvidia the second)

AMD had 1 tessellation unit(at least on the 5 xxx series),nvidia started from the begging with a parallel tessellation engine with 16 poly-morph engines.<< there is why nvidia is better in tessellation

its like today we had 16 shader cores,instead of the 1500 we have in a 6970...

in the future tessellation will be a standard like shaders is today and the performance drop will be minimum.
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naome duncan
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Post » Sat May 07, 2011 8:01 pm

Whoa, wait. Crytek staff both replied AND had a smiley face in the message.

Implying that the coming news is good.

Only good things can come of this, ladies and gents.
i only see one crytek staff replied, Nice try trolling me

Uh..."both" as in they did X and Y. Not "both" as in X and Y person. Grammar is a beautiful thing, sir.
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Matthew Warren
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Post » Sat May 07, 2011 7:34 pm

we're working towards getting the best out of DX11

I just hope this doesnt mean that your only pulling a few small features out of what could be a plethora of features.

I think i speak for all when i say "We would like a wider range of functionality VS just a few tiny little upgrades"
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Post » Sun May 08, 2011 3:02 am

in order to be a real DX11 patch, it needs to have:

- Tessellation & Displacement (Lots of it!!)
- DX11 MSAA Hair
- DX11 Subsurface scattering
- Enhanced Bloom
- Apex Clothing
- High quality shadows
- Bokeh Deep of Field
- Shadowed point light reflection
- DX11 deferred rendering with MSAA support
- DX11 Imaged based reflections
- Color grading
- Cascade shadow mapping
- Light shafts
- Seamless lighting transition
- Realistic foliage
- Soft-Edge motion Blur
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James Baldwin
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Post » Sun May 08, 2011 3:18 am

Did anyone else notice that there are a D3DX9_42.dll and a d3dx10_42.dll in the ...\Crysis 2\bin32 folder? There is no d3dx11_42.dll :) Wonder what happens if one add it manually ;)

The file is already on your disk: ...\Crysis 2\install\directx\Aug2009_d3dx11_42_x86.cab (open/extract with winrar)

Based on the file sizes of D3DX9_42.dll and d3dx10_42.dll these are 32 bit versions, so I guess the d3dx11_42.dll needs to be as well...

I bet dx=auto is already set for this game :p

Those are the DX9/10 drivers for the game. The actual binaries which employ the DX10/11 features are missing.
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Post » Sun May 08, 2011 6:16 am

I really like the image based reflection, its kinda neat
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Post » Sat May 07, 2011 8:50 pm

Was this that hard to say before the game was released?
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Lilit Ager
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