Well I guess a *exclusively* PC style shooter would be ArmA and RO. Large scale games with lots of different controls (far too many for a controller) and a fairly high degree of realism, trademarks are slower paced gameplay and somewhat freeform gameplay nature.
A console style shooter will be built with more casual gamers in mind, short rounds, lots of unlocks, smaller maps for more sporadic gunplay, etc.
Ironically that's how most MP shooters started (like the "console" one) but now games can just be bigger, so the PC generally has the large scale stuff.
I'm not sure why people seem to think there's some magical thing about consoles that restricts things like that. Smaller maps for multiplayer is a design decision, and if I recall some games like the original Unreal that were only on computers had relatively small multiplayer maps. To bring up a totally unrelated genre, Super Mario Kart and Mario Kart 64 both have larger battle arenas then the Gamecube version. Again, that's not because the Gamecube wasn't powerful enough, rather it was a design decision when the Gamecube version was made, etc. Come to think of it, Goldeneye 64, one of the first (if not the first) smash hit FPS game on a console had very large multiplayer maps.
People see "console vs. PC" too often in my opinion. It's more a mental construct than an actual divide in real design differences, it seems to me.