Fun idea

Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 4:50 pm

OK oblivion is an easy game, right race sign and class and you start off a killing machine and stay that way. Well if you start off svcky you'll stay that way for like five levels until your a killing machine. So i was wondering what some of the worst class/race/signs you could think up. I'll even take a shot. Oh for fun no useless skills...i'm lookin at you athletics, but if you can think up a reason for them, add them in

Race: Orc
ugly, unfriendly, lowest starting personality

sign: steed
reason: faster orcs are the best kind of orcs, besides speed doesn't really help that much except for running away

class: healer/church diplomat gets alms for the church like in morrowind/ heals folks/ makes and sells alchemy

restoration: for healing/ offensive casting
mercantile: for getting better deals/ getting people to cough up more cash in donations
illusion:good for taking a non violent approach/ charm for getting people to get over the ugly mug
speechcraft: same reasons as mercantile really
sneak: usefull for...well sneaking
blunt: maybe, a mace is a pious weapon i suppose, but then its back into the useful category
alchemy: a great skill for assassins and healers, but in this case for healers

so its kind of and rp thing but its kinda fun, and i'm looking for a new character to make
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Bek Rideout
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