In all RPGs I have played it's always been exciting to reach the next level.
You keep an eye on that xp-meter and you see it closing in to the next level. Only 1000 points now..300 more and I'm there..30 more,only one more kill...
As you fireball wipes out an enemy the screen is flooded with pretty light effects and fanfares are blowing.
DING! level 17!
I jump in to the menus and looking forward to spend some time pondring my decision to where I want my stats increased and to what new skills I shall learn.
In Skyrim though I have no pleasure in leveling up.
That sweet sound of reaching the next level has lost it's magic.
Sometimes I don't even bother to enter the menu before I almost level again, to get my measly 10 point main stat upgrade
or putting out a perk point that rarely feels like it advance my character.
I have 4-5 perk points just sitting there now, in case I want to open another skill three down the road.
I must add that I haven't had so much fun in a game since morrowind, decpite the terrible UI and very limited character progression.
To bad those things are not up to par or it would be a perfect game.