Any fun new play styles to try out for my first time on PC? I used to play on Xbox.
Any fun new play styles to try out for my first time on PC? I used to play on Xbox.
Disable the crosshair and compass in the ini and don't fast travel - probably the simplest and most immersive immediate change.
And altho I haven't modded Skyrim for it yet, I had a blast adding camping and necessities mods (eating, drinking, sleeping) to Oblivion.
Darker caves and nights make the game feel completely different and a lot more fun to me.
^This. Any kind of mage will do. Whether it's a Battlemage, Pure Mage, or Nightblade. Magic comes in very handy. Plus I love raising the dead.
Most fun build I've played is a raw warrior, race irrelevant, morality irrelevant, specific alignment though. It's fun bashing everything with a Greatsword for a purpose.
Become a Dragonborn Demi-God conjurer and summon/raise an entire army for large-scale battles(warzones mod)
Should look something like Arcane marksman been fun
Stealth illusion mage kicks butts. You never have to touch a weapon unless you want to. Mix it up with Alchemy and Enchanting (and exploit them later on) and you're guarantee to have some laughs.
If herding mammoths into towns, paralyzes people forever and slow time indefinitely don't sound like fun to you... Then I don't know what does!
Never fight anything yourself. Just meander through dungeons collecting loot.
Although it's only fun because Dremora Lords have amusing voiced lines.
I think magic overall has the best mods in general though, it's hard to save the melee combat and archery can't be that dramatically changed without locational damage and an overhaul of the movement.