everytime I ally myself with the Imperial's in the Civil war.
and when defending Whiterun, I love Summoning Odahviing or Durnehviir and just watch them tear apart the stormcloaks as they charge the walls
anyone else enjoy this?
everytime I ally myself with the Imperial's in the Civil war.
and when defending Whiterun, I love Summoning Odahviing or Durnehviir and just watch them tear apart the stormcloaks as they charge the walls
anyone else enjoy this?
I can't imagine doing the civil war without at least one of those two. I summoned both at the Battle for Whiterun, was absolute chaos, Stormcloaks only barely make it past the first barrier. I regularly call Odahviing down when raiding fortresses, he's great for sweeping several enemies at a time with fire breath.
Late game Dovahkiins are op as all hell, but yea it's always fun to summon a dragon during the civil war.
I have never done this before. It'll be interesting to see.
Odahviin helped me destroy the Imperials and take Solitude for the Stormcloaks.
I can do it without him, but I like to go over the top at times.
Better, find a way to ride Odahviing during the battle for whiterun, not sure if you can but it sure would be fun to see.
Send a message to those Imperials. Show them the power of the Stormcloaks. The power of Skyrim!
I do it more as a show so that the Thalmor know what the future will hold if they start another war with the Empire. I'll admit, Odahviing does know how to make the perfect entrance in the Battle for Whiterun. Just as the first wave of Stormcloaks are closing on the blockades, he lands in front of them, waits just long enough for the dust to settle a little and for the Stormcloaks to recover and see him, and unleashes his fiery breath upon them.
I wanted to but I did CW before MQ or Dawnguard.
everytime i ally myself with the Stormcloak's in the Civil war.
and when attacking whiterun, I love summoning Odahviing or Durnehviir and just watch them tear apart the imperials as they defend the walls.
anyone else enjoy this?
I've never used Durneviir, but summoning Odahviing for Whiterun and fort battles is immense fun. He probably kills as many allies as enemies with his indiscriminate fire, but whatever.
Anyone else just stand back during the battles and watch your side win just because you're watching them fight?
I'm on PC so mods.
If you're on xbox or PS3 then you can utilize the fortify restoration glitch. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFkE1ArhFcI
It must be quite demoralising for those Stormcloak traitors to see a true Dragonborn lead the fight against them.
I usually buff my amulet of Talos for this battle so that the very sky lets down its rage with Storm Call, dragons under my command soar the storm and other fun things.
Has anyone tried Bend Will yet to ride a dragon yourself in that battle?
Its something I plan to do next time around.
Fortify restoration potion.