fun things to do with arrows

Post » Sun Sep 12, 2010 4:16 pm

In Morrowind, it would be climbing the hills and trying to hit the Cliff Racers from as far away as possible.

Now it is standing on the top of the waterside opposite to the Fatback Cave and sniping the goblin door guards from there. Just be in sneak mode and you get the bright eye if you hit a gobby.

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Tammie Flint
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Post » Sun Sep 12, 2010 5:31 pm

Paralysis and Invisibility would be funny enchantments for a bow, and kind of useful for mob sniping.

They certainly would! Unfortunately 'tis not possible in vanilla. Neither paralysis nor invisibilty are available for enchanting, either by sigil or altar. :)

A poison that includes the paralysis effect can be useful however.

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Post » Sun Sep 12, 2010 5:25 pm

Try to lodge arrows to specific limbs
1) Head (bonus points for eyes and mouths, nose gives more points)
2) Torso (or briast, for additional laughter)
3) Legs/hands - not arms - (or crotch, for even more additional laughter)

It's fun to turn the difficulty slider all the way down and one-shot people with headshots, especially from the back, as it will pierce through and if you're lucky it's as if their tongue is made of arrow :D
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Post » Sun Sep 12, 2010 7:36 pm

Try :lol:
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Joanne Crump
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Post » Sun Sep 12, 2010 7:26 pm

I use the bow and arrow as means to deliver either posion or magical damage/weakness. Often in combination with a spell
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Stephani Silva
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Post » Sun Sep 12, 2010 8:33 pm

In Oblivion, and from information on this forum, I found that you can shoot the mines. Good fun if something is nearby. Also, you can get the great big swinging traps. Of you shoot an arrow into the mechanism that is the pendulums attachment to the roof, the pendulum will swing. If it was a double sided trap, then another arrow will bring down the second pendulum.

An aside, I effectively found a dark welkynd stone on the end of an arrow in a particularly popular mod. May I ask for whom this one shot kill almost everything should be reserved. That will be extreme fun with a bow and specifically dangerous arrow.
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Dale Johnson
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Post » Sun Sep 12, 2010 6:14 pm

I don't know if is possible, but, try to one-shot Umbra
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Post » Mon Sep 13, 2010 8:49 am

An aside, I effectively found a dark welkynd stone on the end of an arrow in a particularly popular mod.

Hmm, this is interesting. Which mod is it?
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Jerry Cox
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Post » Mon Sep 13, 2010 2:20 am

Well, you can't do it anymore as of a patch or 2 ago, but one of my fave things to do with arrows was duplicating watermelons. Either off the edge of Dive Rock, or inside Edgar's Discount Spells until the place was hip-high with watermelons.
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Post » Sun Sep 12, 2010 7:01 pm

Hmm, this is interesting. Which mod is it?

That was the pure OOO 1.33. Bottom of one of the creature / monster ayelid ruins. Watch out for the poison gas.
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Post » Sun Sep 12, 2010 10:52 pm

I don't know if is possible, but, try to one-shot Umbra

For the experiment, I will report back on this.
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Shannon Marie Jones
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Post » Mon Sep 13, 2010 12:52 am

OK, Bow: White Oak Bow, 15 pts native damage
Arrow the More' Pilin arrow
Enchantments: The Bow has 40pts shock damage and 15pts of frost damage on strike
Poison: Fire damage 9 pts for 15s, damage health 8 pts for 14secs, paralyze, silence,

I do not hunt for letting anything I aim at getting near me, I like to get the job done

Well, sneak through, oh I forgot to mention the sneak bonusses above, Vindasel. Get a clear shot, aim at head. Gee, that Ebony armour gleams in the firelight.
The shot hits high shoulder, oh heck is Umbra pissed. Very little damage, maybe a third of total. Run away, run away (I am only level 13 and went at this outside of what I would be normally doing - I have much training to undertake). I like the arrangement of my body parts.

I thought this was a one shot for various bosses. Umbra is far too strong for a maxed out at my level one shot kill with such an arrow. I will have to report back for other bosses
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Post » Sun Sep 12, 2010 8:18 pm

You can 'equip' a shield with a two handed weapon like a bow. You can't use the shield to block and it won't help your armor rating.

Lothran begs to differ. When equipping a shield while using a bow his armor rating does go up. It may be because he uses light armor though.

One thing that is fun to do with arrows is to put one on someone′s door. You know, the old 'sending a message' thing :evil:
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Post » Mon Sep 13, 2010 5:31 am

Report back. After having a good nights sleep, I decided to give the Umbrea and the More" Welkynd Pilin experiment a bit more time and a bit more variance. I kept the same damage condition as above. I tried the head shot, hit the head and little damage was done. So Umbra has a very resistant skull.

I then for the experiment tried a heart shot, as one would for a tough animal. Single shot kill of Umbra acheived via a More" Welkynd Pilin through the heart. Not only one shot, but she fell like a bag of spuds dropped from a truck. She was not thrown backwards.

Am I able to go and extract my nice arrow for a later use. If not, then I will go back in game time and take more suggestions. I would try to talk to Umbra and only provide death if she wished it. But she has not wronged, so my neutrality stands that she should not be murdered for sport.

I am happy to announce that Umbra can be One Shot killed by the special Welkynd Pilin Arrows. If you want to kill her, then maybe this is should be moved to the Spoiler thread.

Now where was that Mannimarco fella, I will want to hunt him.

I have found another target for the one shot kill experiment. Umbra was tough, this Daedric Prince should be an interesting test. Hopefully I have a save close to the position. I will givew the details and outcome of said experiment later.
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Post » Mon Sep 13, 2010 7:10 am

Okay, I had to go through the "Bruma Guard show them how to close the gate" gate, KEPT ALL of the Bruma Guard contingent alive for the second time, told them to sit and stay at the bottom of the slope of the Sigillum Sanctum. Good boys, I'll be back.

Shoot out the three or more Kynreeve's the OOO people placed as a challenge. Daedric Prince lined up. Armoury, non standard bow - white oak bow with self made enchantment, 34 points shock, 20 points frost, Soul Trap 3s. Arrow, the More" Welkynd Pilin, the Bow is Poisoned with Shock 6 pts 23 seconds, damage health 5pts 19s, damage intelligence 3 or 5 pts, damage magica, who cares, paralyze 3 seconds.

Aim at heart, like above, Single shot kill. Excellent. I need to find more so I can then label them with specific characters in the Game.

2 sets of hunts, single shot kill acheived on Umbra and the Valkynaz Daedric Prince at the top of the OOO enhanced Bruma regular Gate.. The list participants will be expanded.

I have found another target, this time not NPC. I will actively hunt and try to one shot a Frost Titan. I hope to report back.
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Post » Mon Sep 13, 2010 4:49 am

Try :lol:

That was amazing.
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Alisha Clarke
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Post » Sun Sep 12, 2010 5:52 pm

Pump the adoring fan with as many arrows as possible, then shove him in a display cabinet and watch his body spasm.

Never ceases to make me giggle with malice.
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Post » Sun Sep 12, 2010 6:35 pm

I have not found a Frost Titan to test the hunting process of one shots, but am reporting the hunt starts (as a side mission) against the battle mage that has seemed to usurp the power of the Empire Elder Council. I will not really mean to wipe him out, just to test the arrow. Back after setting this up.

Even with the guilt associated with the thought, convincing a mind it is an experiment does not make the experiment easy. Unless you one shot Ocato. Shoot, watch, exit that game to leave it as a mind experiment for the game, go back to the future alternate where Ocato is still the seemingly okay Battlemage in charge of the Council. Ocato; too easy. Off to find better targets and more More' Pilin.
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Chantelle Walker
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Post » Mon Sep 13, 2010 2:17 am

Do trickshots with the bow. It's pretty amusing to finish off an Imperial Guard with a 720-knifeswitch, or find spots where you can just look up, shot and get a random kill.

It's a ton of fun!
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Post » Mon Sep 13, 2010 4:00 am

i remember reading a topic about a year or two before getting the game my self that some one went out side of a town shot an arrow into the sky then entered the town

as they were walking about they heard a scream and one of the NPC's has died from a single falling arrow

how hard is it to do this?
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Louise Lowe
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Post » Sun Sep 12, 2010 6:59 pm

you can shoot those paralysing plants in the shivering isle root lairs.
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Penny Flame
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Post » Sun Sep 12, 2010 7:34 pm

i remember reading a topic about a year or two before getting the game my self that some one went out side of a town shot an arrow into the sky then entered the town

as they were walking about they heard a scream and one of the NPC's has died from a single falling arrow

how hard is it to do this?

Impossible, I'm pretty sure. Cities have different cells than the wilderness, hence why it has to load when you open one of the doors. Don''t quote me though; I could be wrong.
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Post » Mon Sep 13, 2010 1:05 am

I have not found a Frost Titan to test the hunting process of one shots, but am reporting the hunt starts (as a side mission) against the battle mage that has seemed to usurp the power of the Empire Elder Council. I will not really mean to wipe him out, just to test the arrow. Back after setting this up.

Even with the guilt associated with the thought, convincing a mind it is an experiment does not make the experiment easy. Unless you one shot Ocato. Shoot, watch, exit that game to leave it as a mind experiment for the game, go back to the future alternate where Ocato is still the seemingly okay Battlemage in charge of the Council. Ocato; too easy. Off to find better targets and more More' Pilin.

Many Weeks of looking, still no Frost titan. Probability must be working against me. Still, another high level mage type, another easy one shot kill. The Destruction Mistress went down like a bag of spuds. Again, this was the thought experiment only, as I watched to outcome and instantly restored to the state of prior to the planning set up of the shot.

Here Frosty, here Frosty. One will jump out and surprise me now. That will not be fun and would require the use of a big axe. Oooh one on one with a Frost Titan.
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