Let us gather around the camp fire that is the gamesas Forums and share our stories about fun ways to have people killed. This is not about how YOU kill people, this is about how YOU have people killed. Console players are welcomed, though they can't really share any fun stories since they don't have access to console commands.
On my mage, I decided to have a bit of fun and moved to an open field and moved Aerin to me (prid Aerin's ref id and then moveto player) and spawned 3 nightlord vampires / master volkihar vampires (I don't remember but they were the highest leveled vampires in the game and "boss" versions), 10 death hounds and three gargoyle sentinels. I did give him some armor and a weapon to see how much of a warrior he really is. Well, safe to say he didn't last long (no shizzle)