Fun Ways To Play (Vol. 1)

Post » Mon May 06, 2013 6:40 pm

I was messing around and found a challenging crowd control/healer build I find fresh and fun. You get an aggressive follower and heal them while laying down paralysis, and other support spells. Use turn undead to make maximum use of necromage.

Something like this...

Suggestions welcome.

Also if you could, share your unique builds. I will make a compendium of them so people can reference this thread when they get bored and are looking for a new way to play. You can add short summaries to your ideas for clarity. It's always good to assume that the information here is a work in progress and thus information is subject to changing. These are ideas, not rules. Think of them more like guidelines to unique ideas rather than end all beat all ultimate builds.

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Priest(Stendar's Justicar)-

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