Fun with Maglir and the Kniggits of the Nine posse

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:55 am

OK, so I was a little bored so I decided to have some fun with these followers and the parts of the quests they are involved in. I hate the traitor and deserter Maglir first of all, so I decided to let him see if he could handle the thieves by himself, lol. He stayed behind me until he alerted on the thieves, and I just sort of backed up and let him flail away until he inevitably got pwned! It was hilarious. He would go down (unconscious) and the thieves would go back on their AI until he would get back up, then it was brutal how they pwned him over and over. Of course after a time or two, his HP was so low that it only took a few hits to knock him back out, but it was just awesome watching the little fetcher get pummeled! Of course in the end I had to step in and finish them off and begrudgingly save his hide.

With the KOtN crew, it was a little more adventurous! I had the entire party (except Thedret who I think had already left for Garlas Malatar) to leave all together from the Priory, and I followed them on foot the entire way from the Priory to Garlas Malatar, lol. It was a RIOT! One of the Nord brothers and Brellin fell along the way. One got mauled by a Brown bear and I believe a Mountain Lion got the other one, but I'm not entirely sure. The others did pretty well surprisingly, and made the journey alive!

Upon arrival at the ruin I hit each with a convalescence spell to recharge their batteries and headed inside. Again, it was hilarious as they tried to defeat the respawning Aurorans. In their defense, if the bad guys didn't respawn they would have held their own pretty well. But, unfortunately and predictably, all fell except for Sir Thedret who can't die at that point in the story. (I was hoping to have a nice, quite and EMPTY priory when I got back, so you might understand my frustration when I realized the fallen kniggits would be replaced with a new crop of recruits, #%^&*@!!?><.)

Another fun one I like to do is follow the Jermane brother all the way from Cheydinhal to Chorrol, but I've GOT to remember NOT to clear the road on the way to get him.

Anyway, let's hear your follower/NPC stories!
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:13 am

Kniggits.... :D

I keep mentioning my Enchanter named Tim, but nobody ever seems to get it.

Sorry-- I don't have any follower stories, but my current character is just about to set out for Cheydinhal, and I do indeed think it'd be entertaining to follow Guilbert to Chorrol, and I'll avoid the road so that whatever might be there is still there. I'll let you know how it works out.
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james reed
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:43 am

Kniggits.... :D

I keep mentioning my Enchanter named Tim, but nobody ever seems to get it.

Sorry-- I don't have any follower stories, but my current character is just about to set out for Cheydinhal, and I do indeed think it'd be entertaining to follow Guilbert to Chorrol, and I'll avoid the road so that whatever might be there is still there. I'll let you know how it works out.

LOL! I love Tim the Enchanter! Possibly my favorite character in the movie!
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Ilona Neumann
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:58 am

this has nothing to do with followers but i heard a guard talking to a citizen in the imperial city. the guard said to him: " i am on duty " (or something like that) and the citizen replied " it's about time " it was great hearing that :-p
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:52 am

I tried to chase M'aiq once, couldn't keep up. :(

Also, about Maglir. There is one word that keeps ringing in my head when I read his name ... Defaulted ... Defaulted ... Defaulted :ahhh:

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Becky Palmer
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:19 am

Meh.... I only followed Guilbert halfway to Chorrol before I lost interest.

When I went to Cheydinhal, I very carefully circled far to the south so that I didn't alert anyone. There were two bandits that I saw at the spawn point just east of the turnoff from the ring road and at least one, also on the south side of the road, not far west of town.

When he left the town, he headed straight west-- overland-- so he completely missed the first bandit. He went as far as where the mountains curve in and end with the waterfalls right off the road, then doubled back and worked his way south until he hit the road, handily killing one Imp along the way. Somehow the bandits at the main spawn point completely missed him. He ran into one wolf, which he also handily dispatched, on the ring road just before it curved from running north to running west. He didn't run into anything else along the way, and when he passed the turn off for Bruma without running into a marauder, I gave up, since I know the only things from there on out are a minimal chance of an animal (which would've probably been a wolf) on the ring road near the Ayleid well northwest of the IC and a monster (which would've probably been an Imp) just to the east of the fort on the road to Chorrol.

Ah well... should probably do it at a much later level and see how he fares against land dreughs and mountain lions, but I don't want to put if off that long.

I might go back to an earlier save though.... When I left the IC, I happened to notice that I passed Rochelle Bantien as I was heading for the Talos Plaza gate. When I got to Cheydinhal, she was there, at the Newlands Lodge. It might be worth it to follow her from the IC to Cheydinhal, though I believe she's entirely unarmed, so I doubt she'd even stand a chance of making it, and I'm not sure I want to watch her get slaughtered.

Eh... what the hell though.... I can always revert to the same save again....
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:25 am

start the main quest until Jauffre and Martin are following you to cloud ruler temple, but do not go there. Then acquire Maglir. Do the mages guild recommendation where that elf is stuck in the cave full of zombies (i forget his name), and dont bring him back to the guild. unite the Jemaine brothers and lead them to weatherleah but never go there. Finish the arena questline and have the adoring fan following you also. Then grab anyone you can like KotN followers or Arcane University Apprentices and anyone else you can think of.

Than take this group of trash talking hooligans to Dive Rock and watch them fight the Uterfrykte Matron or bring them all into an oblivion gate and try pushing an essential character into lava. They will fall unconscious and become conscious over and over :laugh:

Lead the group off dive rock and watch them run full speed following you down the mountain, falling unconscious and tumbling down the hill :D

If Martin or Jauffre have a horse, lead them down a steep hill until the horse dies from fall damage and watch them flop down the mountainside.

Go into a busy area like the market district and cast a frenzy spell on Guilbert or Reynald (both stay essential until you get to Weatherleah) and watch everyone in the vicinity start beating up on one guy.

Try duping 0 weight suits of armor and giving them to all of your followers :D
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:30 am

I couldn't catch up with Rochelle Bantien in the IC again, so I loaded a later save when she was in Cheydinhal and followed her back from there to the IC, and surprisingly, she made it just fine.

She got into a brawl with one of the bandits (an archer) just west of Cheydinhal and beat the stuffing out of him with a combination of hand-to-hand and spells. Knocked him down twice before she finally killed him. Then another bandit came after her-- this one a melee fighter with a silver mace. The bandit was getting the better of her, so she turned and ran down the road. She outran the bandit long enough to catch up to an Imperial soldier, who then attacked the bandit. When he attacked the bandit, Rochelle actually turned around and came back and joined in and they both proceeded to pummel the bandit.

Again, just as with happened with Guilbert, the bandits at the spawn point just east of the Ring Road completely missed her. She turned north when she got to the Ring Road (I would be willing to bet that most of the NPCs do that, since the south route is much more dangerous, and I wouldn't be surprised if those two things are connected). She ran into one wolf just north of the road to Cheydinhal and beat him handily. The marauders at the Ayleid ruin at the turnoff for Bruma missed her completely, as did the monsters (probably Imps at this point in the game) that hang out in Fort Empire. There was nothing near the Ayleid well northwest of the IC, and that was it. I caught up with her on the bridge to the IC and she was still at a bit over half health.

I was really pretty impressed-- I didn't think she had it in her.

I think I'm going to create a character, or maybe adapt one of my old characters, just to do some more of this. I'll have to come up with a Stalker build......
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Kari Depp
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:26 am

Im not sure how on topic this is, but has anyone re-created their retired characters and put them in the game via a mod? Set them with an AI and a wander path? I've wanted to do this.
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Liv Brown
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:26 am

Just tried another experiment with following. My latest character had just finished up Arnora's quest in Bruma and was ready to leave town and head back to the IC, when he got the visit from Myrvryna Arano, delivering the Mysterious Note. So he decided to follow her back to the IC, just to see how a tough-talking old hag would handle herself.

Halfway down the road from Bruma to the Ring Road, we encountered a bandit, and Myrvryna-- mean, nasty, threatening, enforcer Myrvryna who says she leans on people when they forget to pay-- cast invisibility on herself and ran away.

Not that much of a surprise, all in all.....
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:13 am

after i fought all the ghosts one by one in KotN and was talking to the main ghost, it was a dramatic and epic sequence but than i asked Rumors and he said to me "You know, I saw your fight against the Grey Prince..." and i burst out laughing :lol:
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