Hi there! Well, I'd more like to know if this can be even done...
So far, there are tons of Open spells for the sneaky Alteration user, but there's http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/14457//? that adds a "Lock" spell. Problem is that I've tried it, and while it "technically" works (the door/cage door/etc. appears as being locked), NPC's and monsters can still open them most of the time.
What I'd like to see it done is "something like that", but much less random and more complete: a set of 5 Lock spells (Novice, Apprendice, Adept, Expert, Master), each with it's respective 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% chance of an NPC NOT being able to open a door every X seconds (suggestions about how many checks per second/s are welcome). The duration of the spell (either to lock a door permanently, or make it time-based) is also open to discussion (although I kinda like the time-based option (30? 60 secs?)...it could make the spell a bit less overpowered).
So, possible?