» Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:35 am
I don't know what radiant story is, but I'm sure that it's some kind of voodoo magic that can instantly do anything and make the game perfect, therefore, this idea totally works and will continue to work. Also the player should be able to go to the funeral and the NPCs should have to book the funeral procession, and many people from the town should be there. Also, they should dig up graves and build gravestones and the player could sabotage them or help them out, but for doing either the reward is still the same to make it balanced. And poor people should have funerals that are kind of less cushy because it makes sense and is more immersive than if a king is buried the same as a peasant. But if the player wants, they could donate to the poor guys and upgrade the funeral in exchange for some exp as a quest. Also, the gravediggers should be real NPCs and the graveyards could grow bigger and hire more employees if more people in the town died, and more people would want to become gravediggers because the demand for them increased because the player went on a killing spree. Trust me guys, it's possible because of radiant story. I mean, we don't really know what it is, but it sounds cool right? "Radiant Story" I just like saying it.
tl;dr: Maybe the body could disappear in a few days and the town could record the passing of the character somehow (list of citizens, wall with names craved into it, whatever).