When they started talking about the radiant story system tot said they had a bug lately that they realised that chickens were reporting crimes... I found that very funny..
They started doing crime sprees so then they were like "Why are we getting caught? " "Ohhh, the chickens are reporting the crimes!".
And they had a other bug lately and it's about marriage.... You can get married in the game as we know, and Todd had deciced to marry this one woman who was his friend. And he forgot that he had done this Radiant quest for this other guy, who it turns out had liked her. When you get married you can decide where you live. If you own a house, your spouse can move in with you , or you can move in with them. Todd had owned a house in the city of Whiterun, so he told her 'OK we should live there'. He went there, and she hadn't arrived yet, so he decided to wait so he slept and waited.... And then she showed up! He turend around and as she was standing there, he saw another door open to another bedroom and the other guy WALKED OUT! Then Todd had to call the designer over and said : "This guy! I forgot i did that thing!" and he said "Oh yeah, he's going to visit her every day...." if you make him like her , he then visits her every day, and doesn't care if she's married... It's my wedding night , guy walks out of MY BEDROOM.
Thought those were funny to share with you guys.