2-caps hails from a very small town in Kansas (just like Dorothy gale I say). Very poor and rural population maybe 18 (back then ghost town now pretty much) and most of them uhh hillbilly blood kin.
Anyway these are about my sisters father mother but my grandma enough.
The first just makes me smile because I really thought I was slick back then,and really did not understand how I was always caught.
Grandma's house was just down the road a piece (about 2 blocks say in a city) and had a "CAVE" (Tornado's are a very real in the midwest, a cave or cellar, is well something you have its like well a root cellar but generally not hooked to a house...Kinda for houses that did not have basemants when built....Basically its just a nice hole in the ground to hide in heh this one was very nice and well made by the way).
Wherein she also kept a huge store of everything she had pickled bottled and canned. Tomato juice was a pretty good steal, but Pickled beets now that is a big time score (my childhood fav). So like any slinker worth his salt, i would find myself strangely in possession of small Bell jars full...and of course Have to well eat the evidence.
Now being as the well town was so small I would inevitably run into grandma later.... And the following would play out
Grandma: "damn it 1-cap ( small back then) have you been in my beets again?"
Me looking like a cute innocent puppy : "NOOoooooooo!"
Grandma: "Well you better bring back that jar!"
Then I would go get the hidden jar, and wonder how she always knew....(hint pickled beets well the juice does tend to stain sort of a purple /red i now suspect not only was I red handed (cause i was eating with my grubby little fingers).... Pretty sure I looked like I had a clown smile after each theft)
And a beet of a different sort
This same woman was leaning into a truck Talking to my parents. (she had just been watering the garden when the pulled up) I being the off person I am had picked up the hose (it had one of those gun attachment for different streams) and was well making rainbows spraying the water in a fine mist till that got boring.
Then suddenly possessed by the demons that still haunt me..... I thought it would be a wonderful idea to sneak up on poor grandma (a rather stocky but very heavy woman in a sundress at the time) stick the hose tween her legs and give her a full blast squirt...
So I did................It did not end well...... I fear butterfly shaped flyswatters to this day.... That is what she broke on my butt ( hehe a different time back then but man so worth the beating...