Funny experiences? post yours here :)

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:35 am

Ok, so I was sneaking around in the sewers in Riften and I see this guy called Gian the fist, so I tell myself "I make this a fair fight" so i use only my fists and go up to him- His first punch was hard as a I make sure to keep my space and next thing I know he's bashing my skull in during a kill animation....and after I die...he says "I don't owe you any money do I?" xDDDDD
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Mike Plumley
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:52 am

He has gloves that boost his unarmed damage.

My funniest experience was when Cicero told a joke.
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Anthony Santillan
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:44 pm

Partway through the Dark Brotherhood questline, I assassinate my target in one of the major city palaces between guard shift changes while that area of the castle is deserted. A few seconds later a shift change happens. The guards walk right past me standing beside the body. One of them looks at the body and says "Oh gods! What happened here?". Then he climbed into bed and went to sleep.

Ah... AI in Bethesda games, I hope you never change.
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KIng James
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:20 am

One of the funner experiences I've had, I killed a dragon right in the middle of Whiterun. Right after I absorbed it's soul the guard standing next to me says, "Maybe I'm the Dragonborne and I just don't know it yet". Yeah...
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Bethany Watkin
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:54 am

seeing mudcrabs endlessly b slap skeletons :intergalactic:
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Robert Bindley
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:08 am

Fighting a dragon, when suddenly it flies off a few hundred feet, and lands...and suddenly dies. I walk back there and I find a pile of ash lying next to the dragon skeleton; i searched the ash pile, only to find mudcrab chitin! I'd forgotten that I'd re-animated a mudcrab a minute or so before the fight started! :tongue:

Mudcrabuddy, I will never forget you!
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:29 pm

I had just got the game and was on my way to Whiterun for the first time. I saw a deer and shot it with my bow, it lived and started running north. I didn't know how futile it was to chase deer yet so I took off after it. I'm chasing this deer, keep running out of stamina but keep going taking shots every so often. The deer finally stops (got stuck on a rock, but I didn't know it) I drop in to stealth and start sneaking up on the deer. Suddenly a mammoth drops out of the sky between me and the deer and dies blocking my view of the deer.... The deer got away.
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Matthew Aaron Evans
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:43 am

When Lydia died in a dungeon, and then when I bought my house in whiterun(10 levels later) I found her dead, half naked in my house 0.o

Also when I first one shotted a dragon :) (dual daggersx30) he crashed on a mountainside, and then tumbled all the way down xD
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Daniel Brown
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:35 am

For a while I had a dancing dragon stuck in the middle of Whiterun on one of the vendor stands... and for some reason dragon corpses in Whiterun seem to find their way back even after I shoot them into the distance. I came back one time to find about 5 corpses piled on top of each other outside my house. :mellow:

There was also a glitch during the Alduin fight when he suddenly started twirling in circles really fast like a ballerina. :clap:
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Haley Merkley
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:12 am

For a while I had a dancing dragon stuck in the middle of Whiterun on one of the vendor stands... and for some reason dragon corpses in Whiterun seem to find their way back even after I shoot them into the distance. I came back one time to find about 5 corpses piled on top of each other outside my house. :mellow:

There was also a glitch during the Alduin fight when he suddenly started twirling in circles really fast like a ballerina. :clap:

well, nearl all the dragons I've fought have done something like that, like traveling in a spiral upward or downward lol
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:05 am

Two separate locations where Bears popped out of nowhere and scared the Glow Dust out of me.

Summoning a Dremora to watch him fight against 3 Mud Crabs. Poor buggers never had a chance.

Roaming around at night, hearing a noise behind me with my Turtle Beach DSS headphones, only to turn and find a damn Elk TAKING UP MY WHOLE TV SCREEN. I almost made squishy in my pants.

Two Wolves simultaneously Power Attacked me. I have the Perk to slow down time during enemy Power Attacks while Blocking. Time slowed and I swung my sword. When time returned to normal both Wolves fell dead, as I had killed them both with one strike.

Listening to Ma'iq the Liar.
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Mario Alcantar
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:23 am

how i know when my roommate plays on my pc
i open the game to this
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Tracy Byworth
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:53 pm

Shooting a elder dragon, it has a sliver of health and lands near a river, mudcrab kills it
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Phillip Brunyee
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:12 am

I had a funny experience today. I was arrested in in Riften for some "less than honorable" actions and I opted to keep the bloodshed to a minimum by just serving my time in jail. As the game loaded to me inside the jail cell so did the guard that arrested me. He walked right out of the cell and leaves the door open. I walked out and no one seemed to care. I used my lockpick to open the chest with my things and I walked right out no harm, no foul.
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Miss Hayley
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:09 pm

I was sneaking along a ridge lining up a shot on an elk, a Sabrecat jumped me out of nowhere, I overreacted and strafed left -- straight over the edge. I fell a good 100', landed on my face for some reason, my lower body flipped up and over my head and I sort of broken-neck-cartwheeled down the side of the mountain for a few seconds.
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Jordan Fletcher
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:27 pm

Another funny experience I had was hunting down a bandit leader - can't remember where, but when I shot an arrow close to a ledge, drawing his attention and investigating the sound; he fell off the ledge and died. Mission complete!
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Farrah Lee
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:07 am

I have seen a quest relevant character (couldnt die) attacking a dragon priest bare handed. I was watching as the npc get smacked every time he tries to attack. NPC cowers - regenerates - screams i willl kill you - covers - regenerates - screams and so on :)! It was damn funny to watch. The dragon priest was surely amazed of the heroisms this puny insect had lol
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Lindsay Dunn
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:41 am

i was just fighting another dragonborn deathlord in a dungeon, got hacked to death with his warhammer and fell down, my flame arch killed him right after and his face fell on my crotch xD
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:02 pm

Oh I thought of another one. In Whitereach there is a cow that spawns in the town, once it was stuck humping the fence and HUGE. Size of a dragon huge. Went into the temple, came back out and it was gone. Haven't seen it since.

Also, the Mages at Felglow Keep really, really hate that chicken. If you can stealth up before they toast it, it's pretty funny to hear them taunt and threaten it before they blast it.
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Anna Kyselova
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:59 am

I sneaked onto a Dwemer ruin and started shooting bandits while hidden, and there where about 10 of them outside. So after I kill my third one with a mix of throw voice and arrows to get them into view, I couldn't find anymore. I know I saw a lot earlier so I was wondering what happened. So I head down expecting a fight but to my surprise every one was dead below where I was sniping. I was wondering what happened and why they all had arrows in them, but then I realized the last person I killed was an archer. Can't say for certain but I am pretty sure he unloaded a volley of arrows into his bandit friends' backs while trying to kill me. Was the only thing I could think of that made sense of the situation. Regardless of what happened I only had to kill three bandit thugs to get a chest so I considered myself to be lucky since their leader was one of the three to six in the pile. Happened a week a go so I can't remember how many there were exactly, but I know I only had to kill three of them which was a lot easier then it could have been.
Second story has some small spoilers.

This one was more of a fail on my part. I was helping my cousin find a dragon because he slaughtered Whiterun before the first quest there, so I went to Labyrinthian like any one whose played the long enough would. On the way there I kept fighting enemies and was wondering why there was so many. It really bothered me because I was sure I had killed every one in the area first. So after walking from Dawnstar to Labyrinthian my cousin asks me why I still have his raise dead spell equipped. The world became clearer and I felt a little stupider. :(

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Bethany Watkin
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:37 am

I wouldn't say funny but I remember fighting a dragon and a few days later I was walking past the mountain where I killed said dragon the next minute it fell off the mountain and straight into my path.

I crapped myself.

One funny moment was when I was taking a stormcloak fort as part of the legion questline and I used the Dragon who you befriend in the main quest (Forgot the name) and had him assisting me. After making my way through the fort I kill someone then turn around and have 5 stormcloaks charging me and one says " Im going to kill you" as soon as he finished the sentence I got a blast of flames from behind me and roasted the 5 guys.

I turn around and just saw the Dragon I had a troll face after that for a while :P
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:13 am

On my second character (an orc who wields 2 handed weapons) I was on the first dungeon with the golden claw.

I learned on my first char that the dude runs away when you get him out of the webs, so after I got him down by swingin my hammer at the web a few times, I just kept swingin.

I was charging up a power attack when he had just been released, before he said "Thanks for getting me do-" That's all he managed to say before my hammer cracked his skull. He never saw it coming MWAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA :evil:
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Alba Casas
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:25 pm

got the elder scrolls, funny thing is that when i try to read it, it punches me in my face, my screen cracks and i start to black out, funniest thing ever
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Katharine Newton
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:43 pm

i was chasing a red fox through the forest (i had been drinking)
i came across an opening in a mountain and heard a roar of a bear, then i saw the bear standing directly in the middle as i edge further forward,
i decided to stop running after the fox but he continued to run towards the bear, the fox got squashed like a pancake in less than a second
i loled!
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Steven Hardman
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:47 pm

I was outside a cave and I saw a skeever run up to me and stand up. I killed it and continued down the trail. About 10 steps later, there was a dead sabre cat lying in the middle of the road. I was like, "Holy crap, a skeever killed a sabre cat!" only to later find a bear next to a dead mammoth later down the path. I came to the realization that it was much more likely the bear had killed it :(. That was one bloodthirsty bear... Oh, and I watched a mudcrab kill two frostbite spiders. 'Twas shocking.
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