» Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:43 am
People telling my character that he's 'pale' all the time, even though -a- he's a Redguard, and -b- he has no illness.
Merchants calling me, alternately, an alchemist or an archer when I enter their store screen, when I'm neither of those things and really all I'm doing is offloading loot on them.
How, if I've killed a dragon, and I enter and leave a place nearby, its skeleton will flop onto the ground outside the place I've entered/exited, regardless of where it was previously, like it's been reanimated just so it can hump me.
How the talking dog near Falkreath vanished during his questline because I hadn't cleared Helgen (?) of looters yet. He stood at a wall, trying, I imagined, to bark at the people skulking just behind it. If only Bethesda had scripted him for that :glare: Might actually have been funny then. :foodndrink: