My character had just arrived in Cheydinhal and decided to ask the citizens about local happenings.
Me: "Oh, hi, how are-"
NPC1: "Get out of my way before I have you slapped in irons!"
Me: "Huh? Well, okay, maybe I'll ask someone less grumpy. Oh, hi sir-"
NPC2: "Get lost or I'll pull your arm off!"
Me: "

... I think I'll go back to the Imperial City right away."

Yeah, Cheydinhal is not a very friendly place. I guess having a gang of skooma smugglers (not to mention, a guild of murderers) can have a negative effect on a town.
Beggar to Guard: "I'm only asking for a single coin."
Guard: "..."
Beggar to Me: "I'm so hungry...

Me: "Uhh... I'm really sorry about that, but could you tell me what's happening around here?"
Beggar: "Hard to complain about living in Chorrol. We've got everything you need.

Me: "But you just... you just... oh, never mind."

I love it when NPCs contradict themselves.
Beggar: "One more coin and I can get a pair of shoes."
Me: "Here ya go, one gold coin."
Beggar: "Thank ye kind sir. Blessings of Akatosh upon ye."
*two days pass*
Beggar: " One more coin and I can get a pair of shoes."

"I gave you a coin for that very purpose two days ago. Tell you what, you can have these pigskin shoes I took off a conjurer that tried to fry me this morning. And you can have the gold I took off of him, too."
Beggar: "Thank ye kind sir. Blessings of Julianos upon ye."
*another day passes*
Beggar: "One more coin and I can get a pair of shoes."

"But...but you're
wearing the shoes I gave you yesterday."
Beggar: "I'm only asking for a single coin."
Me: "I've given you several. What do you do,
eat them?"
Beggar: "I can eat for a day on a single coin."
Me: "By the Nine! You
do eat them! No wonder you're crazy; most of those coins are actually lead that's been painted to
appear gold."
Mage: "Are you out of your mind? Take that robe off at once!"

"Wow, you're not the least bit subtle, are you? Well, if keep this up, I'll send my nastiest spell up your nose."
Orc Marauder: "You humans are all the same! Weak and worthless!"
Solina: "Think so, do you?" *casts Tempest, Marauder dies, soul is trapped in Black Soul Gem* "Still think that?"
Necromacer: "I'm just warming up, you pathetic worm!" *summons zombie*
Solina: "Let me help you with that." *casts Flame Maelstrom (fire damage 50 points in 10 feet for 5 seconds), Necromancer dies*
Solina: "If you can't take the heat, don't mess with someone who plays with fire."
Bandit: "Die, Imperial! Die!"
Rax: "What're you gonna do if I don't?"
Bandit: *dies*
Rax: "Oh. Well, I like this arrangement better."