Guard: "Speak."

Speak? What am I, a dog trained to do a master's bidding? I speak when I
feel like, not when somebody
commands me. And when I speak, I get right to the point. I don't beat around the bush at all. And I'm not the slightest bit loquacious, so there's never any sesquipedalianistic bloviating from me. No sir, everything I say is relevant, on topic, and put in the simplest possible terms."
Guard: "Stop talking."

"But you just told me to speak. Jeez, make up your mind, will you? I mean, first you tell me to speak, indicating that you desire conversation, then you tell me to shut up. You really need to learn how to talk to people if you want a decent conversation."
Guard: "You too."

"Oh, bite me!"
NPC: "I saw a ghost once. It put a curse on me I'll
never forget."
Me: "Cool story, bro."
A little character introduction is in order for these.
Solina Atrius - Race: Imperial/Bosmer hybrid. Class: War Mage (similar to Battlemage, but doesn't wear armor) Uses a combination of staff, spells, and blunt weapons in combat. Loves the color purple so much that she used Alteration to turn her eyes, hair, robes, and weapons purple.
Raxle Harmevus: Race: Imperial Class: Shadowguard (similar to Agent, but works for the Empire) Prefers to be called 'Rax'. He's extremely skilled with blades, and prefers using two short swords (specifically, Kodachi) in combat.
Vrael: Race: Bosmer Class: Sylvan Ranger (custom class) Came to Cyrodiil in pursuit of Eregor and his followers, known as Warsmers and Archermers, depending on their combat skills (OOO quest). Found considerably more than he bargained for. Vrael has been nicknamed 'The Wind' because of his speed and stealth. He's very good with a bow, but also uses a two-handed sword when forced into melee.
Necromancer: "I'm just warming up, you pathetic worm!"
Solina: "Then I'll just cool you off with Hypothermia." *necromancer freezes to death* (Note: Hypothermia spell - Frost Damage 40 points for 5 seconds on target)
Conjurer: "Showing your face was the last mistake you'll ever make!"
Solina: "Well then, I guess I'll just have to hide it." *casts Total Concealment* (Note: Total Concealment spell - Chameleon 100% for 30 seconds)
Conjurer: "Where are you?"
Solina: "Over here." *casts Tempest, conjurer dies* (Note: Tempest spell - Fire, Frost & Shock damage 20 points for 5 seconds)
MD Agent: "For Lord Dagon!" *attacks*
Rax: "For the Empire!" *kills MD Agent with ease* "Okay, that was too easy. Something isn't right." *doesn't relax his guard even slightly for the next six months*
MD Agent: "You cannot escape the Master's vigilance!"
Rax: "Ha! Your 'master' is the one trying to escape
me, you idiot!" *kills MD Agent*
Warsmer: "Huh. Must have been the wind."
Vrael: "Yep. That's me." *kills warsmer*
Archermer: "Where are you?"
Vrael: *kills archermer* "In the land of the living. Unlike you."
"Wait, why am I talking to a corpse?"