Alright you make me laugh. The persuasion game was especially awesome

It's fun to come up with these. I've got several that are topic specific. Here's a taste:
From Knights of the Nine:
NPC1: "Did you hear about the attack on the Chapel in Anvil? All of Dibella's priests and priestesses have been Murdered!"
NPC2: "By the Gods!"
NPC1: "No doubt."
Me: "Wait... You think the Nine go around murdering their priests and priestesses and use blood to leave messages declaring war on themselves? You're weird."
From vanilla Oblivion:
Guard: "Hail, good citizen. I speak for the Emperor. At least, I did."
Me: "Listen, pal, I met the Emperor and he didn't have any trouble speaking for himself."
The conversation to which I was referring:
Emperor: "You. I've seen you."
Me: "Congratulations. So have lots of other people."
Emperor: "Let me see your face."
Me: "I thought you'd already seen it. Oh well, have a look."
Emperor: "You are the one from my dreams."

Emperor: "The stars were right. This is the day."
Me: "I don't like the sound of this."

Emperor: "Gods give me strength."
Me: "Oh gods! What's going on?!"
Emperor: "Assassins attacked my sons and I'm next."
Me: "Is that some game you play with your concubines?"
Emperor: "My Blades are leading me out of the city along a secret escape route."
Me: "To your 'secret place', right?"
Emperor: "By chance, the entrance to that escape rout leads through your cell."
Me: "I doubt chance has anything to do with it. Who are you, anyway?"
Emperor: "I am your emperor. By the grace of the gods, I serve Tamriel as her ruler."
Me: "My 'emperor'? You're
really starting to creep me out now. And what do you mean by 'ruler'?"
Emperor: "You are a citizen of Tamriel and you too will serve her in your own way."
Me: "I was afraid of this. Look, man, I don't go that way, especially in prison. Why am I in here, anyway?"
Emperor. "Perhaps the gods have placed you here so that we may meet."
Me: "The Imperial Watch placed me here and I have no desire to 'meat' you."

Emperor: "As for what you have done, it does not matter. That is not what you will be remembered for."
Me: "I'm not worried about what I've 'done'. I'm worried about what you plan on having me 'do' and who's going to be 'remembering' it. I march to my
own beat, thank you."
Emperor: "So do we all. But what path can be avoided whose end is fixed by the almighty gods?"
Me: "I seriously doubt the gods are involved in what you're planning."
Renault: "Please sire. We must keep moving."
Me: "By the Nine, yes!
Please keep moving.
Preferably, away from me."
Baurus: "Looks like this is your lucky day, prisoner."

Seriously? I just got
hit on by some crazy old fart! How on Nirn does that qualify as 'lucky'?"
And here's a few more generic ones:
Bandit: "You move like a pregnant cow!"
Me: "
Never compare me to your mother!" *kills bandit extra hard*
NPC: "You smell of death. Been conjuring up dead things lately?"
Me: "Nope, I've been
making them for Falanu Hlaalu. Y'know, I think she'd like you." *evil grin*
NPC: "What can I do for you?"

And I'll finish up with this fun little sequence:
NPC: "What can I do for you?"
Me: "Bring me...a shrubbery! One that looks nice. And not too expensive."
NPC: "What do you want?"
Me: "To find the Holy Grail...wait, no. Wrong quest. What was the question again?"
Guard: "What are you looking for?"
Me: "The castle of Aaarrg. Tell me where it is, or I'll cut your arms off!"
Guard: "Stop!"
Me: "Ask me your questions. I am not afraid."
Guard: "You've violated the law!"
Me: "Aarrg! Wrong quest again! And does your mother-in-law know you call her 'The Law'?"
Guard: "Pay the court a fine or serve your sentence!"
Me: "I'm not paying squat and the only things I'll serve are pain and death!"
Guard: "Then pay with your blood!"
Me: "I say thee, Nay! I shall pay with
thine! Have at thee!" *kills guard with a rather nasty poisoned arrow to the knee*