Well, the general consensus seems to be that the Emperor's dialogue is a bit...creepy. So, here's a whole conversation with him:
Emperor: "You. I've seen you."
Me: "Congratulations. So have lots of other people."
Emperor: "Let me see your face."
Me: "I thought you'd already seen it. Oh well, have a look."
Emperor: "You are the one from my dreams."
Me: "Wait, what?!"
Emperor: "The stars were right. This is the day."
Me: "No, it's really not."
Emperor: "Gods give me strength."
Me: "Strength for
what?! What's going on?!"
Emperor: "Assassins attacked my sons and I'm next."
Me: "Oh, is that what they're calling it now?"
Emperor: "My Blades are leading me out of the city along a secret escape route."
Me: "To your 'private place', right?"
Emperor: "By chance, the entrance to that escape rout lead through your cell."
Me: "I doubt chance has anything to do with it. Who are you, anyway?"
Emperor: "I am your emperor. By the grace of the gods, I serve Tamriel as her ruler."
Me: "I don't belive you. Why would the Emperor make a pass at a prisoner?"
Emperor: "You are a citizen of Tamriel and you too will serve her in your own way."
Me: "I was afraid of this. Look, man, I don't go that way, especially in prison. Why am I in here, anyway?"
Emperor. "Perhaps the gods have placed you here so that we may meet."
Me: "The Imperial Watch placed me here and I have no desire to 'meat' you."
Emperor: "As for what you have done, it does not matter. That is not what you will be remembered for."
Me: "I'm not worried about what I've 'done'. I'm worried about what you plan on having me 'do' and who's going to be 'remembering' it. I march to my
own beat, thank you."
Emperor: "So do we all. But what path can be avoided whose end is fixed by the almighty gods?"
Me: "I seriously doubt the gods are involved in what you're planning."
Renault: "Please sire. We must keep moving."
Me: "By the Nine, yes!
Please keep moving.
Preferably, away from me."
Baurus: "Looks like this is your lucky day, prisoner."
Me: "Somehow, I don't feel so 'lucky'."
Glenroy: "It's that prisoner again. Kill him. He might be working with the assassins."
Me: "If I was with them, I wouldn't have just put an arrow through that one's eye to save
your sorry butt."
Jauffre: "I'm brother Jauffre. What do you want?"
Me: "I brought you the Emperor's bling."
Jauffre: "
You brought me the Amulet of Kings?"
Me: "Well,
obviously. I had it in my possession and then handed it to
you. Jeez, you're dense."
Guard: "Talk tough to me. I
like tough guys."

"Time for me to make like a shepherd and get the flock out of here." *gets the flock out*
Marauder: "Showing your face was the last mistake you'll ever make!"
Me: "Look, I know I won't win any beauty contests, but is it really
that bad?" *kills marauder*
Guard: "Stop!"
Me: "Umm...no."
Guard: "You've violated the law!"
Me: "Wait,
that's what you call your mother?"
Guard: "Pay the court a fine or serve your sentence. Your stolen goods are now forfeit."
Me: "Okay, let's get three things straight right now. 1. I don't 'steal'. I'm just borrowing this stuff. 2. If I serve anything grammar related, it will be an abbreviation, not a sentence. And 3. I'm not paying squat."
Guard: "Then pay with your blood!"
Me: "No, I'll just pay with yours." *kills guard* "And yours, and yours, and yours. Oh yeah, yours too." *kills second, third, fourth and fifth guards* "Yep, that ought to do it."
Bandit: "I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than you!"
Me: "Trust me, you really haven't."
Guard: "Stop!"
Me: "This again? Look, I'll save you the trouble of finishing. I'm going to resist arrest."
Guard: "Then pay with your blood!"
Me: "You don't have what it takes to kill me. Just throw yourself on my sword while you still can!"
Guard: "I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than you!"
Me: "Mehrunes Dagon is not a mudcrab. *kills guard* "Neither am I."