Since the replica weapons have a health of 1, I found they break (and become unusable) after each use, causing you to have to repair it (out of combat) before using it again? That sounds like a terrifically clever self-imposed limitation to boost the challenge. Use it as a last resort one strike survival weapon (where basically all the damage is carried by enchantment/poison) for a mage who almost never resorts to melee? :foodndrink:
I tried using one once as a training weapon, but it was the break after one hit thing that caused me to reject that in favor of a rusty dagger. That is a clever idea you have though!
My character has the 4 of them, acquirable from locked display cabinets.
They are all enchanted with:
Weakness to fire 100 percent, 10 ft, 1 sec.
Fire damage 28 points, 10 ft, 1 sec.
and I use a Black Soul Gem loaded with a Bandit's soul (in game a Grand class soul) for crafting the weapon at the Arcane University.
I carry 2 of them as a last chance pair of blades, which gives me a little bit of an edge when I'm dungeon diving.
Jenifur Charne