Vyper, yours have me literally laughing out loud here at work. Keep posting more!!
Glad you like them!

Here are some more...
Emperor: "You are the one from my dreams."
Me: :bolt:
NPC: "They say that when you murder someone, the Dark Brotherhood visits you in your sleep. It's how they recruit new members."
Me: "Really? Thanks for the tip." *kills informative NPC, gets visited by Dark Brotherhood, joins up*
Jauffre: "The hoards of Oblivion are infinite. The guards of Bruma are not."
Me: "Yes they are. Here, watch this." *kills every guard in Bruma, waits three days*
Me: "See? More guards!"
Baeralorn (Anvil Castle's mage): "Our gracious Countess funds my research. I ward tame rats with resistance spells, then shower them with elemental attacks."
Me: :blink: "And PETA doesn't object to this? Wow."
Anvil Guard, when asked about Anvil: "Pretty, isn't it? And quiet too. There isn't much work for us here."
Me: "Anvil is a port town with two bars right on the docks and there isn't much for you to do here?! And what about that incident at the chapel? You call that 'nothing'?! I'm glad I don't live here!"
Bosmer NPC introducing herself: "Huurwen of the Fighters Guild. Health and fortune."
Me: "Drehdwyn of the Dark brotherhood. Death and destruction." *kills Huurwen*
NPC: "My name is Lurio Maenius. I share a house with Matthias Draconis. I'm between jobs as a private guard."
Me: "You're between jobs? Wouldn't that mean Mattias is sharing the house with you and not the other way around?"
Bandit: "Looks like we have a live one!"
Me: "That's more than can be said for you!" *kills bandit*
Bandit: "Jump on my sword while you still can!"
Me: "How 'bout I do this instead!" *shoots bandit between the legs with poisoned arrow*
Bandit: "Ayaaagh!" (actual battle cry after he was hit) *bandit dies from the poison*
Imperial City Guard: "If you run into trouble, come find me."
Me: *runs into bandit trouble in the wilderness, runs to IC with bandit in pursuit the whole way, finds guard, guard attacks bandit, bandit kills guard, I kill bandit*
Me, looking down at guard: *rolls eyes* "Yeah, you were
really helpful. Next time, I'll handle things myself." *shakes head, loots bandit and guard corpses, walks away*
Guard: "Stop!"
Me: "Ask me your questions. I am not afraid."
Guard: "You've violated the law!"
Me: "Aarrg! Wrong quest
Guard: "Pay the court a fine or serve your sentence!"
Me: "I'm not paying squat and the only things I'll serve are pain and death!"
Guard: "Then pay with your blood!"
Me: "I say thee, Nay! I shall pay with yours!" *kills guard with a rather nasty poisoned arrow to the eye*