So there I was, handing over ALL my gear (weapons, clothing, trinkets) to whats-her-face before being shoved away to the Thalmor embassy. I don't even hear the Elder Dragon before it's too late. It crashes down and proceeds to attack every NPC in the village. So, no weapons or armour, no magic as I'm a sword&shield kind of guy. No worries, right? I mean I have plenty of Dragon Shouts and these lovely Party clothes for protection.
I needed something nice and strong for this, so I bring out Storm Call. Bad decision. As soon as I shout it every NPC in the area is pushed slightly before the lightning comes down. Now I have an entire town, the invincible quest NPC, and an Elder Dragon all attacking me, all the while my screen is constantly flashing as everyone is getting hit by lightning. There was no winning here, so I just sat back and enjoyed the multitude of lighting bolts before meeting certain demise.
Storm Call; Don't use it. 8D