» Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:19 pm
The funniest thing that's happened to me was a Wabbajack incident. 2 of them actually.
First off, I was with Lydia, doing the Icerunner mission, in the lower hold Lydia was fighting off some marauder's, I charged up my Wabbajack for the kill but accidentally hit Lydia, turning her into a chicken, and when she reappeared, she was dead.
Secondly, about 2 hours later, I was about to assassinate Gralof the Kind (sorry if that's not how it's spelt). I'm charging up my Wabbajack again, just to have some fun, and as I was about to fire it, I considered how unfortonate it would be if she were to turn into a Dremora. Ironicly enough, that's exactly what happened. I'm not quite sure what happened after that because I immediately ran out of Riften. But whatever happened, she did die in the end seeing as my task was succeeded.