So this is at the same time comical as it is frustrating. So I was following Delphine to Kynesgrove to check out some dragon burial site nonsense with her, when suddenly I hear an explosion in the distance and a Stormcloak's health bar pops up randomly.
Delphine turns around, says "I could use the practice," and the straight up just whoops my ass to the ground.
That was weird, I think to myself.
Reload last save.
Walking around again, I let Delphine take off, I'll just meet her there later. Pitch a tent, take a little nap, eat some sweet taffy treats (they're delicious), pack up my tent, and I'm on my way again. Suddenly, another small explosion sound AND MY DESTRUCTION SKILL GOES UP. I hadn't casted any spells in quite a while, and hadn't left any runes lying around so I found this pretty weird. Once again, a Stormcloak health bar pops up and this time there are several of them shooting me with bows for no good reason.
I say to them "Hey dudes, relax. Let's be friends. Here, have some sweet taffy treats," and then I draw my weapon and resheathe it, in an attempt to yield, but my efforts of friendship go unnoticed and they once again, lay a beating on me.
This happened a few more times in a few more places, en route to kynesgrove, but I don't know whats causing it. My suspicions are that either Immersive patrols is malfunctioning or perhaps that Skyrim's AI has become self aware and is trying to kill me for my sweet taffy treats, I don't know. Either way, it is a bit of a bummer.
Additional: removing immersive patrols didn't make a difference. However:
So I tried taking that mod out, and I am still getting similar results, albeit slightly varying ones. Usually there is the noise of a giant fireball hitting somethings, and then Delphine turns around and starts fighting me.
One time while we were running along the path, I saw a fireball come from literally OUT OF NO WHERE and blow up an elk in front of us. Like... seriously. I don't know where these random, game-damaging fireballs are coming from, but it is bizarre as can be.
Delphine seems to be having some weird issues navigating the paths too. For the most part she is alright, but occasionally she will randomly stop and respawn about 15 steps back and then continue running. Quite strange.
Load order
? 00 Skyrim.esm
? 01 Update.esm
? 02 Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp
? 03 Falskaar.esm
? 04 ApachiiHair.esm
? 05 AzarHair.esm
? 06 Skyrim Project Optimization - No Homes.esm
? 07 JSwords.esm
? 08 Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esm
? 09 LB_MuchAdoSnowElves.esm
? 0A Omegared99-Compilation.esm
? 0B SPIKE.esm
? 0C Chesko_Frostfall.esp
? 0D Better Dynamic Snow.esp
? 0E Rainbows.esp
? 0F RevampedExteriorFog.esp
? 10 SplashofRain.esp
? 11 AOS.esp
? 12 Improved Combat Sounds v2.2.esp
? 13 AOS_ICS Patch.esp
? 14 Remove Interior Fog V2 - Skyrim.esp
? 15 mintylightningmod.esp
? 16 Further Dark Dungeons for ENB.esp
? 17 StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp
? 18 83Willows_101BUGS_V4_HighRes_HighSpawn.esp
? 19 AMatterOfTime.esp
? 1A Better Towns Textures.esp
? 1B Bring Out Your Dead.esp
? 1C FishingInSkyrim.esp
? 1D Immersive Battles.esp
? 1E Immersive Brigands.esp
? 1F Immersive Factions.esp
? 20 Immersive Mercenaries.esp
? 21 Immersive Patrols.esp
? 22 Immersive Travelers.esp
? 23 Immersive Werewolves.esp
? 24 Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - 1_5x Brighter.esp
? 25 manny Lantern Caretakers.esp
? 26 PilgrimsDelight.esp
? 27 Radiant and Unique Potions Poisons and BOOZE.esp
? 28 ShootingStars.esp
? 29 skyBirds - Airborne Perching Birds.esp
? 2A Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp
? 2B WetandCold.esp
? 2C Footprints.esp
? 2D RaceMenu.esp
? 2E RaceMenuPlugin.esp
? 2F SkyUI.esp
? 30 iHUD.esp
? 31 Cloaks - No Imperial.esp
? 32 1nivWICCloaks.esp
? 33 1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch-No Imp.esp
? 34 DarkElvesArmory.esp
? 35 Dread Knight Weapon Set.esp
? 36 ExtendedVanillaWeapons.esp
? 37 hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp
? 38 Immersive Weapons.esp
? 39 isilNarsil.esp
? 3A JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp
? 3B Newermind Bow Collection.esp
? 3C Omegared99-WeaponSets.esp
? 3D Standard-15Percent.esp
? 3E TCOSS.esp
? 3F True Bound Armors.esp
? 40 Unique Uniques.esp
? 41 UniqueBows.esp
? 42 Dr_Bandolier.esp
? 43 HarvestOverhaul.esp
? 44 buildablehouse.esp
? 45 Elvenwood.esp
? 46 Inconsequential NPCs.esp
? 47 Inconsequential NPCs - Enhancement.esp
? 48 LB_MuchAdoSnowElves_Quest.esp
? 49 Run For Your Lives.esp
? 4A whiterun spruce by revan1199.esp
? 4B Wyrmstooth.esp
? 4C BetterQuestObjectives.esp
? 4D Book Covers Skyrim.esp
? 4E BlockSparkles.esp
? 4F Grass_On_Steroids_SFO.esp
? 50 Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp
? 51 OpenFaceGuardHelmets.esp
? 52 SFO - Expanded Diversity.esp
? 53 dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
? 54 AOS_EBT Patch.esp
? 55 Soul Gems Differ - E.esp
? 56 aMidianborn_Skyforge_Weapons.esp
? 57 BetterQuestObjectives-AMBSkyforgePatch.esp
? 58 Realistic Lighting.esp
? 59 Better Vampires - No DawnGuard.esp
? 5A WerewolfMastery.esp
? 5B Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp
? 5C Phenderix's Magic Evolved.esp
? 5D DeadlySpellImpacts.esp
? 5E AOS_DSI Patch.esp
? 5F ACE Realistic Fighting.esp
? 60 DeadlyCombat.esp
? 61 Dual Wield Parrying_SKSE.esp
? 62 The Dance of Death.esp
? 63 TKRecoil.esp
? 64 ACE BYOG.esp
? 65 ACE Speech.esp
? 66 ACE Archery.esp
? 67 ACE Armor.esp
? 68 ACE Enchanting.esp
? 69 ACE Magic.esp
? 6A ACE Melee.esp
? 6B ACE Smithing.esp
? 6C ACE Synergy.esp
? 6D LB_MuchAdoSnowElves_ACE_Patch_Light.esp
? 6E Sneak Tools.esp
? 6F Sneak Tools Vanilla Hoods.esp
? 70 Sneak Tools Vanilla Masks.esp
? 71 LovelyHairstyles.esp
? 72 MissAniThrope's Mystic Eyes.esp
? 73 TheEyesOfBeauty.esp
? 74 XCEMwW.esp
? 75 3DNPC.esp
? 76 RealisticNeedsandDiseases.esp
? 77 RND_USKP-Patch.esp
? 78 EMCompViljaSkyrim.esp
? 79 HothFollower.esp
? 7A UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp
? 7B HothFollower UFO Patch.esp
? 7C BetterQuestObjectives-UFOPatch.esp
? 7D Misha.esp
? 7E Ysolda.esp
? 7F dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp
? 80 ethereal_elven_overhaul.esp
? 81 TTYM - Think to Yourself Messages.esp
? 82 WATER.esp
? 83 WATER Plants.esp
? 84 RND_Water-Patch.esp
? 85 AOS_WetandCold Patch.esp
? 86 Bashed Patch, 0.esp
? 87 Automatic Variants.esp