Future DLC idea...

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:58 am

Okay, finished my last nightshift this morning, and had a lot to think about, and I thunk of what I think would be a fantastic add on for Skyrim

I call it: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim... Champion of Talos.

Okay, after purchase and dl, you resume your normal game, you can be anywhere on the map, and out of nowhere, you are suddenly attacked by Thalmor, say 5. These Thalmor would be easy to defeat at any level, one hit wonders, but then five more turn up, so you defeat them, then five more, and another five, and another five. Then you hear a voice shout 'FOR TALOS!!' You are then rescued, so to speak by a group of warriors, archers and mages of all different races, all wearing the same colour scheme heavy armour, light armour and robes. After a few minutes of improved AI combat, Thalmor Decapps and insults from both sides, the Thalmore attackers are dead (or retreating). One of the group introduces themselves to you and tell you that they are part of an anti-Thalmor group called the Children of Talos, and they are not concerned by the Civil War (if indeed there still is one in your game) and have identified the Thalmor as the real threat to Skyrim and the rest of Tamriel. They have sought you out to lead them against the Thalmor, at the request of a 'certain someone'.

You agree to meet with this someone, and you're led to a cave, inside this cave is a Talos shrine, and it comes to life. You're in the presence of Talos himself (Voiced by Max Von Sydow). He tells you that the Thalmor must be destroyed at all costs as they have now recruited Dragons to their cause. You agree, talk with the Nordfather himself, share some banter and ale (He was human after all... Make him nice, funny, an ale drinker and teller of stories about how he founded the Empire, or how he tried to hit on Mara once he became a god, something like that). You then take on a bunch of quests that involve finding evidence against the Thalmor, saving villages and cities against Dragon attacks (Scripted), rescuing Talos worshippers from Thalmor Justicar groups (Recruitment) and raiding new Dungeons for artefacts to help you in the fight.


Build, train and Command an army: Recruit (persuade) or Conscript (intimidate) those you save from the Thalmor. Train them in Melee combat, Ranged Combat, Spell casting, Covert ops (Spying and assasination). Seperate groups into units and send them out to gather supplies, raid Thalmor camps and bases, gather intelligence or assassinate Thalmor officers. Equip each unit with appropriate weapons and armour of your choosing (e.g. Fit your heavy armour units with Daedric armour and weapons if you can and so choose)... Three distinct trainers availible to train your army in skills you do not possess (One for combat, one for sneak one for magic). Give them orders using a new map and flag system and watch them carry them out. Or lead them into battle yourself.

Talos is your friend and mentor: Go to Talos himself for advice, counsel, or for fun conversation. Earn the trust and friendship of a Devine and become his true champion. Use him to boost morale of your troops and become an effective leader.

New Dungeons to Raid: 50 new dungeons to raid.

Dragonbone weapons: Craft Swords, War Axes, Maces, Greatswords, Battleaxes, Warhammers, Bows and Arrows (new skill: Fletching) from Dragonbone and equip your forces with them.

Increased Level cap and new perks in each skill tree: Limb Severer (Sever arms and legs from your foes, them move in for the Kill!,1h/2h), Headshot (Kill your opponent with a headshot from your bow, Archery) Soulrip (Tear the soul from your victim from range, Conjuration)

New Spells: Learn Nighteye, Conjure New Daedra, or Create your own Spells.

Take the fight to the evil Thalmor: Slaughter them, Capture them and have them executed, or put them to work in the mines for more resources... Or introduce them to Talos and let the Father of the Empire they have all but destroyed decide their fate.

What do people think?
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Allison C
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