Future DLC Suggestions #5

Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:00 pm

I'm thinking it would be nice with realistic trading.
Like, a doctor will not accept a gun for medicine.
She just won't accept it.

But a weapons merchant specifically selling pistols and revolvers (low level weapons) will accept a single-shot shotgun cause he can still sell that, but will not accept a riot shotgun because the people in that area don't have the money for it anyway.

Etc etc.
And then have some merchants specifically asking for money. (And have more things to buy for "money"-merchants)
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Kelsey Anna Farley
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:18 am

I'm thinking it would be nice with realistic trading.
Like, a doctor will not accept a gun for medicine.
She just won't accept it.

Why not? In a post-apocalyptic barter economy and item of value is an item of value. Ideological purity is a luxury few can afford in the Wasteland....if that's all the patient has to to pay with they either have to take it, treat them for free, or tell them to take a hike. Most likely they'd take it and trade it to someone who needed a firearm and wasn't likely to use it to victimize others.

But a weapons merchant specifically selling pistols and revolvers (low level weapons) will accept a single-shot shotgun cause he can still sell that, but will not accept a riot shotgun because the people in that area don't have the money for it anyway.

Depends on the price.....a riot shotgun is a high value weapon, and if the dealer can get it cheap he/she will. Somebody might blow through with the caps to buy it.....or the dealer can use it to upgrade thier own personal firepower. They might pay only a fraction of what it would fetch at the Gun-Runner's, though. Then it's up to the seller....do they sell it to Bob at "Bob's Bedstand Guns" for 500 caps now or schlep it down the road three more days to unload at the nearest Gun Runner outlet for 4000? Of course, if Bob gets that deal he might just schlep it those three days himself and trade it for a couple dozen weapons that his customers will buy.....a Riot gun sold at wholesale would pay for a bunch of .357s and 9mms that he would only have to sell a few of to recoup the initial investment then the rest is pure profit.
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Mistress trades Melissa
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:47 am

Why not? In a post-apocalyptic barter economy and item of value is an item of value. Ideological purity is a luxury few can afford in the Wasteland....if that's all the patient has to to pay with they either have to take it, treat them for free, or tell them to take a hike. Most likely they'd take it and trade it to someone who needed a firearm and wasn't likely to use it to victimize others.

But that's the point, West-Coast is getting more civilized.
Due to new economic systems a gun just isn't in her interest.
She wants money for her merchandise.

Depends on the price.....a riot shotgun is a high value weapon, and if the dealer can get it cheap he/she will. Somebody might blow through with the caps to buy it.....or the dealer can use it to upgrade thier own personal firepower. They might pay only a fraction of what it would fetch at the Gun-Runner's, though. Then it's up to the seller....do they sell it to Bob at "Bob's Bedstand Guns" for 500 caps now or schlep it down the road three more days to unload at the nearest Gun Runner outlet for 4000? Of course, if Bob gets that deal he might just schlep it those three days himself and trade it for a couple dozen weapons that his customers will buy.....a Riot gun sold at wholesale would pay for a bunch of .357s and 9mms that he would only have to sell a few of to recoup the initial investment then the rest is pure profit.

Hmm, good point.
So, item value depends on area and prosperity of population then?
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Makenna Nomad
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:26 pm

I was thinking we get to keep the caps but why not the empty bottles? Its junk I know but maybe we could use them as throwing weapons. For some reason I like the idea of throwing bottles at people/animal/wall and watching them smash.
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evelina c
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:54 pm

But that's the point, West-Coast is getting more civilized.
Due to new economic systems a gun just isn't in her interest.
She wants money for her merchandise.

In the NCR proper, and maybe the Strip I could buy that.....but in most of the Mojave things aren't quite there yet.

Hmm, good point.
So, item value depends on area and prosperity of population then?

It would be a start. Scavenged items would also be cheaper the closer to thier source....and the farther from civilization.....you were. You'd get more money for scavenged stuff from Gun-Runners, or the Mojave Outpost than from Novac or the 188. Conversely, new items would be cheaper at the Mojave Outpost or Gun-Runners, and more expensive at Novac or 188. "Prospectors" work places like REPCONN and bring thier haul to the dealers in places like Novac or the 188...they trade it to wandering traders who take it to Mojave Outpost, Crimson Caravans and Gun-runners and trade it for finished goods from the NCR or local manufacturers that they haul back to Novac, ect. to trade for more junk. The player sort of does the same thing when they dump thier loot at Gun-Runners to buy that shiny new .45-70 lever action.
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Anna Krzyzanowska
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:24 am

I was thinking we get to keep the caps but why not the empty bottles? Its junk I know but maybe we could use them as throwing weapons. For some reason I like the idea of throwing bottles at people/animal/wall and watching them smash.

Pre-war soda bottles would have value......pain in the butt to haul around and probably not a high profit item but they have multiple uses. Most likely someone in the NCR has or will figure out how to mass-produce glass containers and the bottom will fall out of the market for scavved glass but until then a living could be made that way.
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lauren cleaves
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:17 am

is there going to be any dcl for the pc version on fallout new v??? i wold like to know before i byeit???
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:54 am

Restarting FO3, i just got to GNR, and the fighting going on has made me feel like New Vegas is lacking in the fight department

Like the entirety of DC is a huge battle ground, with ghouls, raiders, super mutants, talon company, BoS, etc. I just feel like there aren;t any areas where there is as intense fighting in FO:NV...

So, i would like one of the dlc's to be a large area with lots of fighting, not linear fighting like mothership zeta or something, but basically place an area like DC into the game.

There would be multiple (well, at least two) factions battling each other constantly, and you can help or fight either one. There would be multiple areas of intense fighting, and after one side is defeated, it would take only 1 day for them to respawn and have the bodies from the fight before disappear (ash and goo as well :3)

It's like how people say that combat-heavy dlc's were not good in FO3, well, i would like combat heavy ones to make up for the lack of fighting in FO:NV
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:30 am

Restarting FO3, i just got to GNR, and the fighting going on has made me feel like New Vegas is lacking in the fight department

Like the entirety of DC is a huge battle ground, with ghouls, raiders, super mutants, talon company, BoS, etc. I just feel like there aren;t any areas where there is as intense fighting in FO:NV...

That's cause Vegas is civilized while Capital Wasteland is a hell-hole.
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emma sweeney
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:55 am

yea i know, but places like the the area between forlorn hope and nelson should be more "grand" it is supposed to be one of the frontlines of the war right?

i know forlorn hope is buggy enough as is, but i think there should be larger battles going on when two warring factions are right next to each other
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Keeley Stevens
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:15 am

yea i know, but places like the the area between forlorn hope and nelson should be more "grand" it is supposed to be one of the frontlines of the war right?

Not really, Dead Sea's orders are to hold Nelson.
While NCR's orders are to watch Nelson.

Oh and, hello Dead Sea.
- "Good morning profligate."
What are you doing here?
- "On Caesars behalf I would like everyone to get it into their heads that we are NOT in a stalemate"
Wow, thanks for joining us today!
- "Ave."

I'm not schizophrenic damnit! :cryvaultboy:
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loste juliana
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:06 am

hmm, then some frontlines should be added, lol

and being in DC made me think the strip should have been the size of the area from the lincoln memorial to the building on the other side the name of which i have forgotten
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krystal sowten
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:54 am

hmm, then some frontlines should be added, lol

and being in DC made me think the strip should have been the size of the area from the lincoln memorial to the building on the other side the name of which i have forgotten

Wasn't that the capital building?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:22 am

You pick up a radio message from NCR. A newly established base intended to be NCRs first beach head across the Coloradio is under attack by legion. They need as many men as Mojave can spare.

You get there and the last remaining people there are really happy to see you. They ask if you can stay and help end the siege.

If you stay you can man mounted heavy weapons (If any will be in the game DLC, would be great for them to be destroyed and have to fix them.) Over the couse of a fortnight (game days) the base is attacked over and over. The attacks are random and can come day or night or even while you are sleeping. The ammo, food and water, all running low. Even for the stationary weapons, I don't want them to have infinite ammo like other games. Would have to go back to ammo bunkers to reload them. At some point you have to:

1) Convince the others that all is lost and have to get out of there. Base will be lost and Rep with NCR may suffer.

2) Take the fight to the enemy and take out their camps. Very hard to do, as there are alot of them. locations of their camps unknown. If you don't deal them enough damage in time, the base my be lost while you are out.

3) Hold out for a fortnight (game 14 days) till NCR can finally send enough people to end the siege. Rep with NCR might improve given your actions during the siege. Will gain alot of XP and NCR Cash.

4) Run away from your agrement to help. Base maybe lost depending when you leave. Rep with NCR will suffer greatly if any NCR soldier at the base lives.

5) Contact a Ceaser legion spy/soldier and sell out NCR base. Base is taken by Ceaser's Legion thanks to your help. You get great rep with Ceaser's Legion. Alot of XP and Ceaser legion cash.

would be awesome if weapons like mortars are in the game. Along with some artillery you could shoot them at the legion, they could have some mortars as well. While in the base the place gets shelled and this makes it hard to sleep. Supply buildings could be destroyed. Could deal with NCR shell shocked troops. If you have high charsima or doctor skills you can help them.

Or Slap them . This gives you a bad reputation with NCR. "Ball Buster" trait/perk. Medical skill can also be put to good use patching up troops. Many graves to loot.

Old Idea changed to make a DLC.
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Dean Brown
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:17 pm

I want a DLC that adds more Legion content. IMO, the Legion has far too little side quests compared to how many side quests the NCR has, and most of the Mojave attacks you on sight if you're wearing Legion armour. Having a Legion companion would also be nice, but most of all I hope we get the Legate's Armour as a playable armour. (Hopefully with an option that is not anti-Legion)
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Sara Lee
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:22 am

I know I'll likely be criticized. But I think we should have something akin to Op:Anch that gives us a window into the Pre-War world. But this will be more like, you find an experimental time travel device, but only like the H.G. Wells/Back to the Future kind. IE, it only travels to the past in that exact spot (So no going from Vegas to London and etc). It lets us experience the Pre-War world to a small extent, Maybe some sort of Pre-War 'fallout proof' suburb, but in the future we know it will fail when the bombs fall. I don't know what kind of quest could be wrapped into it, but in my opinion, it would be a neat idea. :sadvaultboy:

i like the idea of this but i imagine it could get boring... maybe make it so you are in the great war when the bombs drop and forced to serve the military or something
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claire ley
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:33 pm

I would like a DLC that is actually incorporated in the current Fallout: New Vegas game world. In other words, I don't want a seperate "spinoff" like how Dead Money is, where I have a character in FONV and I have to import my character/create a new character into the DLC.

I hope I am explaining it right.
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Tasha Clifford
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:58 am

Don't worrie with the way the map is set up big chunks have been set aside for in map DLC
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:19 pm

i got 1. to be able to continue
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:45 pm

Don't worrie with the way the map is set up big chunks have been set aside for in map DLC

Sweet. :celebration:
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Ernesto Salinas
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:52 am

I think added gravity to FO would be a good thing... i would like the ability to run downhill or down stairs without flying forwards
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josie treuberg
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:52 am

I want it to not be exclusive
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:56 am


This topic is for all DLC suggestions and thus where all suggestions and ideas members have for such. There is no official news on any planned DLCs yet but we know some are anxious to share their ideas. Having central place to make all these suggestions and ideas makes for a more tidy forum and helps keep more varied topics on the first page.

All other threads made for suggesiont/ideas for dlcs will be locked and referred here. If you see some new member make a suggestion/idea thread for DLCs please report it so a moderator can close it and refer them to this thread. Or help us out by linking them and then reporting it.

Please refrain from flaming others for their ideas and let's try to keep it free of spam.

Thanks from the moderator team.

Here is an awesome DLC idea!!! how about everyone on the DLC team goes and helps fix the broken game? I will love you forever if you fix it for me.
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Michelle Chau
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:54 pm

Here is an awesome DLC idea!!! how about everyone on the DLC team goes and helps fix the broken game? I will love you forever if you fix it for me.

They have a team for that already though.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:57 am

They have a team for that already though.

What I meant is have even MORE people working on it.
anyways... How about a DLC that consists of the following:

-- something odd has washed up on the bank of the river... It has been marked on your map. You find an old chest containing a note that has the location of a hidden vault laboratory. When you get there you find it is actually a center station for all the other vaults and contains notes on experiments from each one. the station appears to be still manned by someone....A ghoul emerges from behind a locked door and demands to know how you found this place. Continue with several quests involving collecting people for him to experiment on, and watching the horrifying results as he tries to make himself into "a perfect being", combining effects from super mutants and other experiments he performed. The results have unintended consequences, you must fight!
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