Future DLC Suggestions #5

Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:19 pm

1. Story continuation with in depth reflection of all choices.
2. BoS DLC of Area 51
3. Anything adding a CL companion
4. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Area_2
5. Anything adding a Tommy Gun
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CArla HOlbert
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:03 am

I think there should be some kind of brotherhood of steel uprising against the NCR as a dlc.
I like the brotherhood and I cant believe they got beat out by the NCR, like look at there armor and when you go to there base the first 2 guys have super powerful gauss rifles
How did they get pushed back?
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Nicholas C
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:12 am

If there is an area 51, i would like other phenomenon besides aliens.

But feel free to include aliens.
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Andrea Pratt
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:01 am

The problem is that if we join their ranks then we don't really have any choice.
If NCR says "Go to Camp Forlon Hope" and you disobey them then you might get court marshaled and hanged.
Being an outside contractor we have the choice to go and do where/as we please.

A way around that might be, if we were brought in as, say, a 'rookie' under one of the NCR Rangers (or better yet, a Veteran Ranger), then we could still kinda go where we please, since they're meant to be on their own for the most part, and it might take a Ranger awhile to get to a new area because of enemies, or another situation might come up.


My personal ideas for DLC would be:

In a DLC involving a faction with high technology (BoS, Enclave, ect), during the normal course of the quest, we would have to repair a Vertabird, and get someone to fly it. After we beat the DLC, we would be given a radio (similar in the way of the NCR Emergency Radio) called ''Vertabird Radio''. When we use it, the Vertabird we repaired would come down in a nearby flat area (essentially the same way the NCR Emergency footlockers 'spawn' nearby when we use the radio, the Vertabird should land nearby, away from enemies, in a relatively flat area [if the area was just too rocky or had too many enemies, you might get a message asking you to clear out the enemies/ move to a new location and try again]. When the Vertabird lands, you can go inside of it, just like the one in Broken Steel, and we would be able to walk about inside of it (yeah, I know, its small, but still). Inside the Vertabird, it would be outfitted for Recon missions instead of troop transport - instead of like the interior we say in Broken Steel, there would only be 2 chairs, not including the pilots and co-pilots chairs in the front. In the space now opened, there would be a Armor Locker, a Weapons Footlocker, a miniaturized (or maybe high-tech, and therefore small) Work Bench and Reloading Bench, and maybe a small footlocker stashed under a seat for misc. items. Initially, there would be nothing in the lockers (although there might be a reward from completing the DLC inside of the lockers, maybe a unique set of armor or a good weapon, but that would be it).

You would then be able to fill up the weapon and armor lockers with your own gear, allowing you to have on hand much more than you normally could when just exploring. Run into a radioactive hole in the ground? Call in the Vertabird and equip yourself with a radiation suit. Run into some deathclaws over the next hill? Call it in and grab your Fat Man or other heavy weapon of choice. This would be a very nice addition, and also allow you to change gear in a few minutes instead of traveling all the way to the lucky 38 to get gear you stored (although I realize some people store gear in other places, but still, you'd save time).
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Emilie M
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:51 am

A way around that might be, if we were brought in as, say, a 'rookie' under one of the NCR Rangers (or better yet, a Veteran Ranger), then we could still kinda go where we please, since they're meant to be on their own for the most part, and it might take a Ranger awhile to get to a new area because of enemies, or another situation might come up.

Look at that lieutenant guy in Primm.
He would love to take care of the convicts but can't cause his orders tell him to stay put.
The rangers near Cottonwood Cove would love to just go down there and take them out, but can't since they're given orders to not do it since it is "low priority".
If we were to "join" them then we would be given an assignment and have to follow orders.
We don't follow the orders?
A bounty is put on our head for us to be taken in and court marshaled.
Misfits ending slider is a perfect example of that.
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Alex Blacke
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:15 am

The Divide (aka Grand Canyon) Battle between giants (And Joshua Graham!!!!). Play Dead Money. You will understand.
Big Empty.
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Harry-James Payne
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:17 am

Look at that lieutenant guy in Primm.
He would love to take care of the convicts but can't cause his orders tell him to stay put.
The rangers near Cottonwood Cove would love to just go down there and take them out, but can't since they're given orders to not do it since it is "low priority".
If we were to "join" them then we would be given an assignment and have to follow orders.
We don't follow the orders?
A bounty is put on our head for us to be taken in and court marshaled.
Misfits ending slider is a perfect example of that.

I say to join the NCR in a dlc our character would have to be placed in a special task force (that would be newly created), made up of the best of the best, and your actions (you'd probably have to be idolized by the NCR) have made you eligible for placement in the squad. The squad would have more difficult tasks than regular soldiers or even rangers, and they would have more freedom when off duty as well. Along with difficult missions and stuff you would get a new hidden base that houses the members of the squad, a few unamed people and a few named ones, maybe some of them could even be companions as well for the extra difficult missions
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Andrew Tarango
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:52 pm

I'm keen to see the next part of the "Whats to come down the long road" aspect that appeared in Dead Money. I'm really pulled into this "bigger story" behind your character's past with this other courier, strongly hinted to being Ulysses. I'd also like to visit New Canaan and see the return of Joshua Graham
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victoria gillis
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:05 pm

I say to join the NCR in a dlc our character would have to be placed in a special task force (that would be newly created), made up of the best of the best, and your actions (you'd probably have to be idolized by the NCR) have made you eligible for placement in the squad. The squad would have more difficult tasks than regular soldiers or even rangers, and they would have more freedom when off duty as well. Along with difficult missions and stuff you would get a new hidden base that houses the members of the squad, a few unamed people and a few named ones, maybe some of them could even be companions as well for the extra difficult missions

Fallout: A-Team then?
That could work.
But it would be a very biased DLC since I mostly kill NCR on sight.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:04 am

Fallout: A-Team then?
That could work.
But it would be a very biased DLC since I mostly kill NCR on sight.

yea, that's the only thing, i don;t think there could be any faction-oriented dlcs because it would alienate people playing the other factions

I would like to see dlc that was like my suggestion for an area 51 dlc, one that incorporates more than one faction.

Though if there was a dlc with a super NCR task force, they could also add a super legion task force where you report directly to vulpes inculta or something and would go up against the ncr task force in epic battles
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Natasha Biss
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:06 am

Are there any significant area's to the west of the Mojave Wasteland? I'm asking because of what i've seen at the location Canyon Wreckage, which is here: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Canyon_wreckage

It seems to suggest maybe some future DLC but i'm wondering what could be to the West of the Mojave?
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Zosia Cetnar
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:15 pm

Well, my number one thing for DLC that I would want, would be to be able to continue the game after you beat the main quest. I really don't like that I can either continue to play and never finish the main quest, or continue the main quest and never be able to go back. That's really the only thing that disappointed me about the Dead Money DLC.

Also, make a DLC that starts off like Fallout 3's beginning, this way you can actually see your parents, and how they came to be.
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Kit Marsden
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:58 pm

A DLC that continues the story such as broken steel say a corrupt NCR high officer (colonel or any rank higher) joins the legion and instead of going for mostly just hoover dam there going for Everything. with a army stronger then ever and enchanced super mutants on there side will you be able to stop the legions big move. Ceaser will be a part of the fight this time for he feels they will truly take vegas. and of the enchanced super mutants. The Barbarians legends say there 2x stronger then normal super mutants and have moved from local states. some have joined the legion (this super mutant race is intellegent with good speaking skills). Maybe the legion isnt your biggest worry 1200Ms Points, at least 20 new weapons level cap to 45, diff good or bad names(dont call me the damn messiah anymore), starts after completion of game. opening cutscene such as dead money. travel to a diffrent part of the country such as local states, a large map nothing to crazy. a nice clean set of perks added to me would be fun to enjoy. tough mean tough enemies i want to a little challenged even if playing on very easy. ability to have 2 or 3 companions at a time. and 5 new companions and 25 more achievements 2 secret (optional) this would make a good dlc... sorry for it being a jambled random mess of ideas though to continue the story line i just cant start coming up with ideas the developers need to really get creative this time. will they beat Fallout 3 dlc wise. only time will tell
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Eduardo Rosas
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:53 am

I want a true expansion.
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Adam Porter
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:43 am

Make the current hardcoe mode have weight for caps, legion denarius, NCR dollars and chems.
Caps should go by 100:1 ratio, meaning each cap weighs 0.01.
10.000 caps would mean 10 weight.
Denarius go by 0.02 which means 50:1 ratio.
NCR Dollars go by 0.005 which means 2000:1 ratio.

Chems go by different values.
Stimpacks are 0.7.
Super Stimpacks are 1.4.
Jet is 0.5.
Psycho is 0.7.
Mentats are 0.6.
Med-X go by 0.4.
Rad-X go by 0.7.
Radaway go by 1.0.
etc etc.
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Katie Pollard
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:41 am

1.I want to mod my melee weapons...And to see alot more mods, perhaps be able to MAKE some mods for weapons!
2.An expansion that allows you to go back to Dead Money and go past the main story line.
3.Want to see a bunch of new perks!
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jason worrell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:47 am

Elijah brought you to the Sierra Madre from the divide right? maybe the dlc concerning the divide will allow you to go back there
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:23 am

Patch: Allow us to go back to Sierra Madre through the radio in the BOS bunker. :stare:
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Penny Flame
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:16 am

I was thinking of something along the lines of some sort of marrage type thing to go along with the story line or something. maybe it could be to a point where your relationship is so good with the opposite six an option will appear saying something of "getting together". I think that this is one major flaw in the realism part of these games. I mean even in fallout 3 moria and billy creel where going out... so why not add that kind of trait to YOUR character.
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Shaylee Shaw
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:41 am

I was thinking of something along the lines of some sort of marrage type thing to go along with the story line or something. maybe it could be to a point where your relationship is so good with the opposite six an option will appear saying something of "getting together". I think that this is one major flaw in the realism part of these games. I mean even in fallout 3 moria and billy creel where going out... so why not add that kind of trait to YOUR character.

New Vegas has Red Lucy :wink_smile:
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Jason White
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:06 pm

Hello guys, I'm writing this topic, because I got a better idea for a possible DLC (the topic title is the name of the DLC).
Here it is the "shadow of East":
Shadow of the East, takes you east of the Mojave away from Vegas, in the lands of Caesar, where the carrier will be involved in a terrible disaster, that for too long tearing apart the New Mexico. This is a man of mystery, of which you do not know much, only that it is a ruthless "warrior" who kills and destroys everything that is on its way. Even the mighty armies of Caesar, and the same Lanius, fought hard to stop this dangerous monster. None survived, all but Lanius, who was stripped of his armor, and heavily afflicted by the monster who tried to kill with his bare hands.
Lanius swore revenge, swearing that he would have his revenge and that he would one day kill the mysterious man. His anger consumed him, making the beast that all of us today, we can see.
Not content with his victory, the mysterious man continued to terrorize the lands of Caesar, in many raids, no one could stop him, not even the mighty armies of Caesar. Now becoming known as the monster of the east.
Liked the introduction, eh?
However I thought that this "Monster" could have a past and a personality. Here is his story:
"the Monster of the East " or "mystery man" is called by the nickname yesno, and signifies his psyche and his appearance. His right side is completely healthy, and "apparently" human, dressed in clothes pre-war hip, elegant, bright, especially the color red. His left side is completely rather than a Ghoul, and is wearing a dress that looks like a menacing cowboy, dressed all in black. is skilled in all, immortal literally. He manages to use two weapons at the same time, eats the corpses of his defeated enemies, and claim it as a trophy of their blood, their skin and their bones.
However, we do not know very well about him, we know only that he lived before the bombing in New York, and after the Great War, he moved to California, where he met an "evil god" who cursed him, making what we all now fear .
He suffers from schizophrenia, and a strong personality distrubo. He believes that his body is controlled by more people.

Interesting eh? Will you help me with my idea? I feel there's potential, if you have something to say about that?
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Lori Joe
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:56 am

So he's basically a crazy interpretation of twoface? Could work I suppose...
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:11 am

Maybe something like the Undead Nightmare DLC from Red Dead Redemption, but with Feral Ghouls. Feral Ghouls everywhere.
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Lisha Boo
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:06 pm

A "Wild Wasteland Encounter" for if they do Area 51.

Deep in the ruins of the base a jukebox or radio comes to life and starts playing Orson Welles' 1938 Halloween broadcast of "The War of the Worlds." Would be best if it starts playing while you are still outside the room.
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Georgine Lee
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:33 am

So he's basically a crazy interpretation of twoface? Could work I suppose...

yes, but i've start to make a possible connection with the Master from Fallout 1.
he hunted a lot of peoples, and some voice considered himself like a cannibal, and a evil spirit.
But he use this peoples in horribles experiments.
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